"Welcome, home Princess" my dad called in joy as he stood outside the door with his arms open wide ready to give me the warmest hug.

"Dad" I yelped as I rushed towards him & hugged him tightly.

"I missed you" he whispered as he kissed my head.

"I missed you too, daddy" I smiled as I kissed his cheek "Melissa" I called as I saw her gazing at the house. She smiled & then walked up to us & shook my dad's hand "thank you for having me, Mr Fell" she said as thankful as she could sound.

"Thank you instead, for coming" he responded with a big smile "let's get in, the butler will bring in your stuffs" he invited us into the house.

"Oh well! finally we are here" I chuckled as I turned & looked at Melissa who was lost in her phone texting "hello?" I called as I snatched her phone.

"What?" She rolled her eyes.

"Can, you stop touching your phone for like a minute & enjoy this" I said as I gazed around the pine trees that surrounds the house.

"Yeah, it's nice" she said bluntly as she got inside the house dragging her trolley behind her. I looked up at our two story mansion that was made up of bricks, stones & wood & to be honest it looked like a mini castle & I was quite thrilled about it. The house has been in our family for over a century but still it looks good as new.

"This is the master bedroom mam, your father wants you to have it" the butler said as he took me to a huge room with a master bathroom & a balcony attached to it "he has re-done the room according to your taste" he smiled as he showed me the chandelier, the white sheets & curtains & the huge fibre glass window that out looks the massive forest view of Mystic Falls.

"Well, I love it" I squeaked as I sunk into my king size bed and took a deep breath.

"Not fair, this is beyond beautiful" Melissa said as she walked into my room.

"I know right?" I agreed as I walked towards the balcony.

"I wish my parents would buy a holiday home out here, I'm kinda digging this place" she said as she walked towards me.

"I told you so, the place might grow in you" I chuckled as Melissa smirked at me.


"I promised your mom, you would attend school like a regular teenager. Now, don't let me down" dad murmured as he pulled the blanket down.

"But dad" I complained as I covered my face with a pillow, it was 7am in the morning & I had no intentions to wake up. I was home schooled in NYC because after my parents got separated I had a hard time coping up with classes & normal routines.

"But no, buts" dad said as he grabbed my pillow.

"Ugh!" I clenched my jaws as I got up from the bed & walked straight into the shower. I got out of the shower & I saw my dad waiting for me "I got you a little homecoming gift" he smiled as he handed me the car key "dad, you don't have to" I smiled "and you know, I'm taking a break from driving".

"I know but Melissa can drive you around & the chauffeur is always a call away" he informed as he pulled me into a hug "now get ready for school, you don't want to be late on your first day don't you?" he chuckled as he left.

Dusk till dawn (vampire diaries fan fiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now