He smirked again, stepping forward, my breath hitching at the sudden movement. My needs raging, begging to the gods to let him do it.

Touch me that is.

"You can wait," he said between pecks on my collarbone, making his way up my neck to my jaw.

I groaned in a no, knowing I couldn't, I always give in and pleasured myself because I got no one else to do it for me. And its tough doing it myself, knowing it must be better with someone, but I don't know I'm virgin. I know a seventeen year old virgin bad girl, it's not real! Well I just told you, its real and I want to experience it. Sex, I mean.

"I can't wait," I whimper as he sucks harshly at my neck, creating yet another hickey I have to cover up with make up so my mum doesn't see. If she saw I'll be submerged in six billion miles of dirt. Alive.

"You can," he assured in a husk, I hissed, a shiver sending up my body, feeling a finger touch my clit a little before moving away from me.

"Tease," I mumble in disappointment, pouting deeply.

"Aw, cheer up Baby, you'll eventually have me," he smiled, yet I forced myself to believe he was lying, because he probably was.

"When, daddy, when?" I whip out my baby voice, as well as my puppy dog eyes.

"Well, if you wanna suck my dick, go for it," he laughed. I stared at him disgusted, glancing at his boner which was amusing. It was nice to know I had an effect on him.

"That's what I thought," he said when seeing my expression. "Now hurry up and rinse off."

I did as told, stepping under the running warm water with my head bowed in disappointment.

We then got out quickly and dried off. Once wrapped in a towel and my underwear in my arms, Brady looked out the door and into the hall before grabbing my hand, rushing into his room as silently as possible.

I wanted to laugh at how stupid this seems, yet I stayed quiet.

Brady closed the door behind him before walking to his clothes draws, pulling out a dark blue checked button up shirt and throwing it my way.

"Wear that and I'll get you some clean shorts on the way to school," Brady stated, grabbing his clothes out and started putting them on. I pulled his shirt on, forgetting my bra because I hated wearing them, its annoying, they squeeze my chest and I can barely breath. Also they never fit right.


We stepped into school late after finally being able to get out of Brady's house with no worries. Except I almost got caught outside before getting in his Lamborghini, luckily I was small enough to stand behind him, with the bushes hiding my legs.

He did manage to get me some shorts, but they were really short, like you could see my butt cheeks sticking out short. I swear he did it on purpose.

He continued holding my hand as he walked me to my class, speed walking.

"I don't wanna go," I whine in a small voice, pouting as I look to the ground stopping in my tracks. Brady stopped as well looking at me curiously.

I really didn't want to go to class, its tutor, teachers up my ass for not listening. I mean why would I wanna listen to you talking all the

"Why not?" He questioned in a frown.

"They're never fun, I get bored," I said, staring up at him, still with a pout on my plush lips. He stepped forward pecking my pout with a smile.

"Then how excited would you be when you see me standing outside your class room?" He pouted himself, a look of fake hurt upon his features.

"Pft, how gross." I growled at her voice filled to the brim of too many black movies. She was totally plastic with her fake hair extensions, which I had no problem with on other people, more nicer folk than her.

I looked over Brady's shoulder, having to step on to my tippy toes, because I'm short, get over it. I am a proud shorty.

Alex smiling with no problem in her eyes, except fear lurked in them as she stared at me and Brady, walking pass in clothes that looked more like underwear.

"Bitch, why don't you go find a whore just like your self? And don't worry I'm not taking your freaking fame away," I sneer at her walking by with a confident smirk, yet it was for show. It always was.

She then looks to Brady doing the, "call me," gesture by her ear as she mouthed it. I gasped in offense, going to grab her by that throat of hers that might have deep throat way too many guys in the past years.

Unfortunately, I was stopped by a pair of hands grabbing my waist, pulling me into his chest.

"This is like your eighth strick in less than a week Baby, you gotta learn," Brady whispered into my ear, turning so he was walking towards my class. I huffed, my anger above average at this point.

"Can we ditch after I smash her face?" I ask in an innocent whine, hoping to god he'd let me.

He stopped walking, my head on his chest as I look at him staring down the hall in thought. He then sat me down on my feet before flicking me in the head, glaring, "no."

"Oh, but why not?" I whine in a plea.

"You gotta learn self control I swear," he muttered more to himself as he watched me with a blank face.

"I see you already got that in control, Mr I'm-not-going-to-touch-you," I state, folding my arms again.

He watched me, biting his bottom lip as he was possibly thinking. He looked cute as he thought like that.

"I have my reasons," he said, walking forward as he put his hand on the small of my back, pushing me forward again.

"Shouldn't you two be in class," a teacher on duty asked when coming around the corner.

I looked to her saying nothing.

"We're on our way now," Brady faked a smile at her sour expression, rushing us quickly.

"You better watch out for Saturday Baby," he had in a soft voice, so low only I could hear it.

I winced, he sounds serious, it wasn't a fun type of serious where his lips tugged up. He was dead serious and that send anxiousness to enter my body while I watched him cautiously.

 He was dead serious and that send anxiousness to enter my body while I watched him cautiously

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