Rushing Water

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"T-That's not funny, Uraraka." His face grew serious.

"I'm not joking," she slowly backed out of the room, "You'll remember, it'll all come back."

"I-I don't understand-"

"You deserve to know, Deku." She turned and tried to leave, but Izuku grabbed her wrist.

She stiffened and Izuku knew that feeling of being grabbed, so he let her go.


"I-I-" She looked at his hand, "I- You-" she started to hyperventilate.

"Uraraka? Please calm down- please-"

She turned tail and sprinted out the door.

Uraraka... what was that about? He thought fearfully, What was that supposed to mean?

"That wasn't a good joke." He whispered to himself as he closed and locked the door. Is she okay?

He stayed at the door for a second, contemplating weather he should try and chase her.

He decided against it and went back to his bed. He sat down and pulled out his phone, he tapped on Yaoyorozu's contact.

"Check on Uraraka." He texted.

She texted back almost immediately, "Of course. Is something wrong?"

"I think s-" Izuku was stopped mid text when he felt an intense pain rip through his skull.

He dropped his phone and clutched his head in his hands, ripping at his hair as he screamed.

What is this?! What is this!?

He wasn't conscious of his own actions as memories that he refused to believe were real flashing in front of his mind like a horror movie.

Helping that little boy, getting punished for no reason because of it.


Nightmares. So many NIGHTMARES.

Fear, fear, FUCKING FEAR.

His friends, getting mad at him.

Getting kidnapped.


Kill them. Hurt the people who hurt you.

Regret, so much.

Killing Uraraka, the cold blade piecing her warm body as he stabbed her.


Feeling the life leave his body as he died by his own hands.

Izuku opened his eyes as the pain stopped, his scream dulled and he cried.

His body felt swollen and warm. He looked at his arms as scratches littered them.

His face felt puffy too. He'd probably been unconsciously scratching his face as-well as his arms while all the memories came back to him, He didn't even feel comfortable in his own skin.

He dug his nails into his arm, he deserved to feel pain, after everything he did.

"Stupid, piece of worthless shit! You fucking Deku!" Izuku screamed as he tried to piece his skin.

"FUCK" he screamed loudly, he went from scratching his arms to trying to rip out more of his hair, the guilt was eating him alive.

Clumps of hair littered his bed, as an idea formed in his head.

He wasn't being himself Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz