About Time

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The pain wasn't immediate.

It took Bakugo a moment to register what had happened.

His whole body was locked up in fear and shock.

There was a knife sticking out of his stomach..

He chocked on the bile and blood that rose up in his throat.

Oh god.  Oh god.  Oh GOD.

I'm going to die.

Bakugo feel onto his knees, clutching his stomach.

Izuku stood up and towered over him.  He grabbed Bakugo's shoulders and pushed him onto his back.

Izuku looked down at him, pity on his face.

"You know Kacchan, it's almost funny, laughable even," Izuku knelt down and meet him face to face, "I'm the one hurting you!  It supposed to be backwards isn't it?"  He smiled evilly.

Bakugo tried to speak, but coughed on the blood in his throat.

Izuku stood up straight and put his foot on the knife in Bakugo's stomach.

"Suffer" Izuku growled.

He pushed his foot down, digging the knife deeper into his stomach.

Bakugo screamed out in pain.

"STOP" he roared.

"And he speaks!" Izuku hollered, then lowered his voice to a whisper, "did you ever listen to me when I told you to stop?"  Izuku glared at him and crouched down.

Bakugo weakly tried to kick him away.

"Get," Bakugo's breathing coming in short breaths, "away."

Izuku tilted his head playfully, as his hand hovered over the knife embedded in Bakugo.

"Hm, lets see. If I take this out," Izuku closed his grip around the knife, "you'll bleed out!" Izuku ribbed it out.

Bakugo screamed again.

"And, I can put it right here!" Izuku swung the knife up and brought it into Bakugo's rib cage.

"And you'll di-"

A hardened fist hit Izuku square in the head.

"Get away from him!" Kirishima yelled.

"No, Kirishima," Bakugo coughed, "get outta here!"

"I'd never leave you to die." Kirishima smiled at him.

"You're already hurt" Bakugo protested and looked towards Kirishima's limp arm, the one that was stabbed.

"My punch might have already knocked him out- and oh shit your bleeding badly, let me help you"

"Check Deku first" Bakugo growled through gritted teeth.

Kirishima didn't listen to him, as he knelt down.

"Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't know how to- Fuck- why haven't we had first aid classes yet?" Kirishima spoke in frustration.

"Chec-" Bakugo coughed up blood.

"You know after this is all over we should take some basic first aid classes. And therapy. Definitely therapy. For all of us... mostly Midoriya.."

"Check DEKU" Bakugo managed to yell.

"Stop worrying, he's right over there, not even moving." Kirishima gestured towards Izuku laying on the ground.

He wasn't being himself Where stories live. Discover now