Returning horror

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Izuku stared at his bed.

How could one nightmare cause me so much trouble?

He was afraid to sleep. But he was convinced that it was a one time thing.

"Nightmares never happen two nights in a row! Right?  At least not for me!" He declared with as much confidence as he had, "A UA hero won't be scared!"

You won't ever be a hero.

Izuku laid in his bed as negative thoughts swirled around his mind.

Why am I thinking like this? I've been so blessed by others.. I should be grateful! So why am I being this way?

He pondered his thoughts for a little longer before slowly drifting off into sleep.


"I'm sorry Izuku, I'm so sorry!" She cried.

It was his mom.

Why did you give up on me?  You were the only hope I had, the only family I could count on.  And you decided that no matter what I did, I could never be who I wanted to be.

It might have seemed like the motherly thing to do, comfort your child.  You only made it worse.  Why would you do that to me?

"Mom where's dad?" A young Izuku asked one early morning.

His mother stayed silent and continued to wash dishes.


She hadn't been ignoring him.  She was just thinking.  Thinking of something so say to her young son.

"He's just working" she held a pained expression.

"When will he be back?" He questioned innocently.

"I," her voice cracked, "I don't know sweetie"

"Oh... okay"

What?  Is it just coincidence that my father never comes home after learning about his quirkless son?

I didn't choose to be this way.

So why?

Why do they hate me?


"I want to be a hero!" He declared confidently, "I wanna be just like All Might!"

"Quirkless scum like you could never be a hero"


"I want to be a hero more then anything!"

"You're that quirkless boy aren't you... are you sure you don't have any other career choices?"


"I was thinking.. I could be a hero?"

"Guess someone didn't get the memo that heroes need quirks"


"I want to save people..."

"You think you can do anything?"


"I thought.. I dunno, it's stupid, maybe... I could be a hero..."

"Oh...  there are many respectable jobs out there.."


"I'm.. sure you will be a great hero Kacchan.. m-maybe, I don't know, I can be one to...-"

"Deku I swear to fuck, if you say that one more time..."


"Even if I don't have a quirk can I become a hero?" Maybe this time, this time someone will-he will-

"I cannot simply say "you can become a hero even without powers""

No. No, no, no. How could you say that? You're All Might, you're supposed to inspire people. Why would you say that?

Did you give your quirk to me out of pity?

You knew.. someone like me could never make it.. it's the truth isn't it? But even so.. is it wrong to dream?

I am not a worthy successor.  What did you see in me All Might?


"If you really want to be a hero that badly there's a quick way to do it.  Believe that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and jump off the-"

"STOP IT!"  Izuku sprung up from his bed in a wild panic.

"WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME" he cried out loudly, before quickly covering his mouth in fear. Did anyone hear me?

He waited. No one knocked. He sighed in relief.

"There is no point in anyone seeing me like this! I'm the deku who always smiles, the deku who always does his best!" He said through tears, trying to reassure himself.

He didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

He wasn't being himself Where stories live. Discover now