Whose side are you on?

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"I'm sorry to inform you that Midoriya is missing"

At first the class was silent.  Then everyone started yelling at once.

"Where did he go?"

"What do you mean missing?

"Was he kidnapped?"

"Did he run away? He looked so sad the last few days..."

"Quiet all of you." Aizawa grumbled, "The only thing we know is that the league took him."

"WHATTT" the whole class screamed in unison.

Aizawa glared at them, "Stop freaking out will you. We're going to find him."

"How are you going to do it then?" Iida tried to ask calmly.

"We believe that Midoriya still has his phone on him. From there it's just a matter of tracking his phone location." Aizawa explained.

"Ya but if shitty Deku had his phone wouldn't he just call us?" Bakugo growled.

"That's true but, from what I've been told... Midoriya wasn't doing well when he was taken. I don't think his brain is working properly, he's not thinking straight."

"What do you mean by 'he wasn't doing well?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"As his classmates you should probably have noticed something was wrong. I noticed something was bothering him but I waited too long to act on it."

"What does that have to do with him being taken by villains?" Kaminari chimed in.

"Like I said," Aizawa sounded slightly annoyed, "I don't think he was thinking properly. From the information we've gathered from Uraraka, he didn't fight at all. Which is not like Midoriya."

"This is bullshit!" Bakugo yelled, "if he hadn't been so fucking weak then maybe he wouldn't have been taken"

"Can't you act mature just once." Iida was furious. Whatever emotions he was trying to hold back were spilling out. "This is partly your fault.  If you hadn't started screaming at him, then Midoriya would have been in class with us where we could have protected him."

"Don't pin this on me four eyes, you're his shitty friends and you let him suffer like that!" He laughed.

"You-" Iida started to threateningly walk over to Bakugo.  But before he could get close Bakugo already took a well aimed punch to the face.

"You have no right to say that." The voice hissed.

"Who the fuck-" he started to scream.

"Just shut your damn mouth for once." It was Todoroki.  Todoroki punched Bakugo.

Bakugo rubbed the part of his face that had been hit, "you're gonna pay for that icy hot" he glared.

"We all know about you."

"Huh? What the Fuck are you talkin-"

"Midoriya.  You bullied him didn't you."

"I'm gonna blow your face off you icy hot bastard-"

"It was pretty easy to figure out.  He flinches around you the most, and you two were childhood friends."

"I didn't do shit to that loser."

"And the name 'Deku'.  Come on Bakugo.  How bout you tell us all what it felt like to beat up someone who didn't fight back."

The class was silent. Bakugo was silent. He looked at the ground and started shaking before looking at Todoroki with a glare full of hatred.

"I'm gonna kill you bastard." He snarled, trying to jump at him. Before he could Kirishima grabbed Bakugo's arms and held him back using his hardening quirk.

"Let go of me shitty hair!"

"Bakugo calm down before the whole class turns against you."

"Why should I care!?"

"Just leave man. Just go."

Bakugo glared at Kirishima before being freed from his grip. He then gave a cold glare at Todoroki before going to his own dorm room and slamming the door.

Todoroki let out a sigh, "thank you Kirishima."

"No problem. We have to focus on the real task: saving Midoriya."

"Yes, we do."


"So Izuku Midoriya, I have some questions."


"How do you feel?"

"I feel like I'm suffering."

"Why do you feel like you're suffering?

"Because of my friends."

"So what should you do?"

"End my suffering."


"Hurting my friends."

Oh how easy it was to mold a mind that was already weak to begin with.

He wasn't being himself Where stories live. Discover now