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Today was the day, the day it was supposed to happen.

School felt long and drawn out, waiting was agony. The group of four couldn't think about anything other then protecting Izuku.

"My mom texted me." Izuku said suddenly at the dorms after being quiet for awhile.

Bakugo looked over at him and stared. No one mentioned this? Is this the league? Bakugo whipped out his phone and texted Kirishima to come downstairs.

"What does she want?" Iida asked looking over at Izuku's phone.

"She wants me to come over real quick, says she needs help with something."

"You can't go." Bakugo said sternly.

Izuku looked up at him dumbfounded, "w-what?"

"I said you can't go."

"Y-you can't stop me from going, Kacchan!" Izuku stuttered, "you're not in charge of m-me!"

"I also don't think you should go."  Iida started sweating.

"You too!" Izuku jumped.

"What's the big deal?" Uraraka looked at them questioningly. 

Kirishima came walking into the room, "What's going on?"

"Deku's trying to leave." Bakugo grumbled.

Kirishima flinched a little before recovering quickly, "O-oh!  Uh... we shouldn't leave on a school night!"

"Why are you trying to stop me, it's my mother." Izuku started becoming angry.

"Mama-doriya can wait!" Kirishima cried.

"I think you should wait!" Iida said quickly.

Izuku whipped his head to look at him, "Iida, you're one of my closest friends, why don't you understand?"

Iida looked away guiltily, "Midoriya..."

"We're not letting you go." Bakugo stated.

Izuku looked around at his classmates, he was outnumbered.  He couldn't convince them.  Fine then.

Izuku clenched his teeth, "I'm going to go change clothes." He mumbled angrily.

"Deku, don't fucking leave." Bakugo warned.

Izuku glared at him before running to the stairs using full cowling.

"Get back here!" Bakugo yelled before trying to chase him.

The couldn't let him out of their sight, not for a second.

The door to Izuku's dorm was closed and Bakugo started pounding on it with his fist.

"Get out here, fucker!"

There was no answer and Bakugo was becoming increasingly worried and angry at the same time.

"Deku, I'm going to kick down this door if you don't open up in 3 seconds!"

There still wasn't an answer, so Bakugo started counting down.

"3....2....1" Bakugo howled as he kicked down Izuku's door for the third time.

Bakugo whipped his eyes from wall to wall, up and down, A cold draft from the open window chilled his skin.

"That fucker..."

Kirishima came running in, "Bakugo where-"

"He ran. Window is open he got out, we're leaving right now."

He wasn't being himself Where stories live. Discover now