If I could only reach

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"How are you going to get him Tomura Shigaraki?"

"It won't be hard." He responded.

"How do you plan to do it?"

"I'll send a pawn to attack the front gate, and while the teachers are dealing with that you'll warp me in and I'll grab him."

"What if he resists?"

"He won't."

"How do you know?"

"I read about that corruption quirk, he won't."

"What if I can't warp in there?"

"How can UA stop a wrap gate?  The alarms might go off but we will be gone by then."

"Very well. When will we do it?"

"Ten minutes" Shigaraki smiled.


Uraraka walked to Izuku's dorm. She couldn't bare herself to open the door so she just stood outside.

She desperately wanted to knock on the door, for him to greet her and smile at her.  But she knew that wouldn't happen.  She knew he would be scared of her.  The strong, bright Deku would be scared of her.

She sat on the floor with her back resting on the door.  Every so often she would whisper to him, hoping he would hear.

"I'm sorry Deku"

He never responded.  Maybe it was because he didn't hear her, or maybe it was because he didn't want to.

Uraraka pressed her ear up to the door and tried to listen.  But as much as time passed she never head anything.  Not the shuffling of papers or the sound of his footsteps.  Sometimes if she listened hard, she could hear his steady breathing.

The guilt ate away at her insides.  She clawed at her hair and clenched her fists in anger.  She let her tears fall freely but tried not to make any sound.

"Forgive me Deku" she sobbed quietly.

After awhile her tears finally dried up and Uraraka just stayed there.  She listened threw the door and was once again reassured at the sound of his breathing.

Uraraka contemplated knocking on his door, and if he didn't answer she would go in.  She contemplated just leaving him be.  She contemplated running into his room, grasping him in a hug so tight that he couldn't escape, and they could both cry together.  Because it was okay to cry.

She mustered up enough courage to knock on his door.

She slowly brought her clutched fist up to the door.  And she knocked.

There was silence at first.  Uraraka held her breath.

"Deku, it's me." She whispered.

Silence again.  That was until she heard the tiny sound of feet tapping on the ground.

Uraraka had hope, hope that he was going to talk to her.  She couldn't help the smile that crept on her face.

Once the door creaked open, her smile faded away, just as fast as it had come.

Her vision grew bleary as her eyes filed with tears.

He wasn't being himself Where stories live. Discover now