21. We're playing 20 questions, how big are your boobs?

Start from the beginning

“But you would touch Deacon wouldn’t you?” Grace smirked and shot her friend a teasing wink. “Come on, you let the guy sleep in your bed, he helped paint your bedroom walls, he saved your life - twice I might add, he got into a fight with his psycho friend for you. Girl, you ran him off his bike and nearly killed him and he still came back for you, not to mention the amount of kissing you do.” 

Kris was glaring at her friend, “I can be with him, you know I cant, it makes it seem like I have forgotten, and I haven’t Grace.”

“Jesus, Kris, he wanted you to move on! To start new! To be happy!” Grace yelled. “So do it! Stop making excuses cause the only real reason your doing this is because you’re scared!” 

“I’m not scared of jack shit!” Kris yelled getting to her feet. “And you have no right to tell me to move on because you didn’t! What did you do Grace, huh? Tell me what you did!? Why is there a different set of rules for you and a different set of rules for me!?” tears were now streaming down Kris’s face. Warm and salty, trailing down her cheeks. 

A heavy silence surrounded the air around the two girls. They glared at another, hazel eyes meeting brown ones, jaws locked, mouth set in firm lines. Usually when either girl ended up in a stand off face to face it always ended up in a fight. However, when it was Grace and Kris the outcome was a lot more different. 

“I didn’t come here to argue,” Grace whispered. “I came here because you needed me and you need to talk to someone and let it out. It will drive you crazy otherwise, and you know it.” Kris looked up at the small girl, she finally noticed what her friend was wearing and a wave of nausea passed through her making her feel sick. 

Grace was wearing the clothes she wore that night. The grey baggy jumper which used to belong to Kris that Grace kept stealing whenever she slept over, and a pair of striped green pyjama shorts. She wore no shoes. 

“I’m not forgetting about you Grace. I just want you to know that, alright?” Kris started. “I might have some new friends here but you’ll always be my best friend. I like Cas and all but she doesn’t know. I don’t think I can tell her. I want too but at the same time I don’t.” 

Grace shook her head sadly, “Kris the girl has told you her biggest secret. She told you about what happened to her. She introduced you to her family. You can trust her pickle.” 

“Everyone already knew her secret Strawberry, so it doesn’t really make me any more special than it did before,” Kris slurred. 

“Yes, but she didn’t have to tell you. She chose to tell you herself, to relive all those horrid memories and all because you asked her to. You can trust her Kris. Trust her.” 

“Everyone I learnt to trust and loves leaves,” Kris mumbled solemnly. “Even you. You wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for my messed up crazy mind that keeps imagining you everywhere.” 

“Yeah well I’m one hard girl to get rid of,” Grace smirked proudly. “By the way, just on a lighter note, I think you shouldn’t wear a short dress to prom. Show all those boys what they’re missing. You’ll be making a few boys happy once they get a glance at your bar stool legs.” Kris rolled her eyes. 

“You’re insane if you think I’m going to make it passed the first round in that stupid Prom Total Wipe-out,” Kris laughed. I don’t want to be prom queen and there’s a more likely chance that the bitchy bimbo who was eye-raping Deacon will end up winning and becoming Prom Queen.” 

“So what?” Grace shrugged. “She can be Prom Queen and you can be Deacons Queen. I’d love to see them girls faces when you two idiots finally make it official.” Grace was grinning like a Cheshire cat. 

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