Not normal....

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Hon: Yeah, I'm good! Anyway, back to the question! Ano-

Anon: Look you won't be so good if you keep talking! So, j-just SHUT UP! *The Anon is acting unusual*

Hon: But, she asked me a questio-

Anon: I don't CARE! J-Just! Ugh! Shut it! Shut it! Shut it! Shut it! Shut it!!!! 

Hon: Why are you acting so oddly...?

Anon: I just- Why does it matter?! I'm a stupid worthless Anon, who means absolutely nothing to anyone, and most people WOULD RATHER SEE ME DEAD!! *The Anon paces in circles, holding their head*

Wakko: *He backs away a bit, at the shouting* 


Cuppuchino: Ahem! *She lets go of the bunny* Y-Yeah, I, uh... Kinda forgot about that....


Sans: M-Mmm~! Y-You really should try too, when people a-are around....


Boris: I don't know.... Anons told me Eliver thinks of me as a "brother figure"...?? And, yeah! Me and Bendy are actual brothers! Why...?


Dr. Flug: Alright! *The three walk out the door* Do we have any clue where they might be...?

QFTS 10: Wounds Will Heal, But Scars LastWhere stories live. Discover now