Kyle will thrash you

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Crystal River: Ooh cool Wakko!

Anon: Wakko! Give Crystal a hug!


Sea Tea: Yes...yes he is...

Brielle: *his tail wrapped around him and he scratched behind her ear, snapping his fingers. 3 pythons were summoned and made a small pillow for him*


Me: *her fur fluffed a bit and she stopped, looking at Sans* Hey *hic* what about m-me Dragon~? I wanna *hic* pleasure too y'know~ *She unzipped her hoodie, and took Sans's off of him, continuing to rub his SOUL, and pump his dick*


Kyle: -_- no faggot it's not a sexist thing. He reminded me of someone...both him, Eliver, and Sans's personalities are in the mixture of someone I knew...s- *He sees what's happening to Bendy* Oh shit. *he runs over* BORIS PLEASE BE CAREFUL I SHALL BE BACK!!! *He walked up to the Anon that had grabbed Bendy, and pushed him away, standing in front of Bendy so no one else could grab him* leave 'em alone. Or you'll hear from Susie, Rocky, Brielle and maybe even Cuphead.


Spark: *he shrugs* Ok then!

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