Eliver...I'm warning you

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Crystal River: Aw it's fine! You were talking about Detroit: Become Human!


Frosting: *She keeps running but trips over a branch and rolls into a bush. Frosting then tumbled out onto her stomach, mouth full of leaves. The she-kit quickly spit them out, and rose to her paws shaking the rest of the leaves off of her pelt* You aren't I a clumsy cat today! *Suddenly her ears pricked heading a sound, making her whip her head around. Her eyes dart around the forest, and instinctively she drops into a low crouch, her tail sticking out straight ahead, and claws unsheathed. Frosting opened her muzzle a bit to taste the air, a rabbit was near. She stalked towards the smell, locating it easily. Soon, she came in view with a brown pelted, long eared fat rabbit. The she-kit prepared herself, then leaped onto the rabbit and pinned it down, killing it with one swift bite* that's one down! Only a few more to go! *She leaps off*


Me: S-so you *hic* want me to show you~? Ok~! *She hugs Sans from behind* h-hey I permission to do this right my mate~?


Anon: Oh...u-uh...o-ok!


"Kiara": Probably not, she's way to stupid and useless to even know what that means~!

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