Competition In The Contest?

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May's P.O.V.

Today's a training day! Yesterday, we relaxed for most of the day by taking that tour of Cianwood City.

I'm looking for a training area that's more "out in the open" and right under the sun.

After a little while, I found a good area and did some good training with Glaceon. We did a combination of Shadow Ball and Iron Tail. Then we decided to follow it up with Ice Shard and another Iron Tail.

We did really well, training for half the day. Drew came up to me and evaluated my progress. He said I'll do excellent, and that made me pretty happy. Then we see Solidad coming up. She had done some more training, but she was still in that disguise. I still wonder why......

Anyway, Brianna also showed up, and she announced that she would participate in the Cianwood Contest as well. This time, she kept her distance, and didn't talk too much to Drew. I was relieved.

Right now, I just finished taking a shower and then I'm going to hang out with Drew for a little while. We'll probably go get a bite to eat and go to the beach.

Wish me luck!


Well, everything went pretty well. Around six or so, Drew and I went and got a light dinner from a classy cafe that played amazingly good music.

Once we were done, we took a walk in the park, the cool breeze wafting in the scent of the ocean. So around this time, it was seven. Some stars came out of their hiding places. The moon was visible, but just barely.

For some reason, things seemed more awkward this time than other times.

I don't why, but it just felt like it.

We held hands (but like friends) for some reason. We could hear people say things like, "Aww.....that's so sweet!"

"Young love....that's so touching!"

"That's just so cute!"


"Drew, where are we going next?" I asked, sneaking a glance over at him.

"What 'bout the beach? That's my favorite part of Cianwood City." Drew suggested.

"Good idea. I love the beach!" We walked over, the sand getting into Drew's sneakers and my flip-flops.

The wind blew with a little more force, but it was still comfortable.

Now this beach seemed exactly like a romantic movie.

The waves lapped gently at the sand. You couldn't hear a roar; you would hear a murmuring, as if the waves murmured unspoken words into the air. A couple of Wingulls soared over our heads, looking for fish to eat. I also felt this moment required a song. The song was "Shot In The Dark" (By Big Time Rush).

"'Cause I don't wanna waste another moment, I don't want to pay for things unspoken, I just want to race with arms wide open, take a shot in the dark, to be where you are....." I sang out.

Drew smiled gently. "I love that song! That's a great song for this time! You're a great singer......." Drew looked over to the horizon.

"Well, I had such a great time with ya, idiot." My rival winked. "I'll see ya tomorrow evening at the contest!" He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and flew back to the hotel on his Flygon.

"Bye Drew....." I spent a couple more minutes at the beach, then walked back to the hotel. And I'll do good tomorrow evening. At the contest.

NEXT CHAPTER: The final contest? Will May win?!?! The beginning of a two-part conclusion to the end of the Johto saga of May and Drew! What will happen? Find out..................

May and Drew: After Hoennحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن