Going To Johto, part 2

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It was 6:30. I already finished taking a hot, refreshing shower, and I was choosing a dress I could wear. Before I had left Hoenn, I decided to buy two or three dresses I could wear for a contest. All of them were really good, but my decision rested on a pretty pink and red dress. It had a creme-colored cardigan on top. The dress had some frills, having a bow near my neck. And there were even Beautifly wings at the back! The dress reached to my knees. And since we were on a cruise, I decided to wear some flip-flops.

My hair was in its regular way, except I wore a bow on top instead of my usual bandanna. After just putting on a small touch of makeup, I was all ready. But it was only 6:50. So I decided to write in my journal. My entry went something like this:

Dear Journal,

I'm on the cruise, on my way to Johto. Drew invited me to dinner around seven. Meaning in 10 minutes. I'm kinda excited for it. I don't know why, but I just am. Hopefully Drew won't infuriate me. Or I will give him a nice slap he will never forget. Or I will kick him where it hurts. Either way, if he annoys me, it won't be pretty. But, I do have to admit, why would Drew invite me to dinner? And I always wonder what's with the roses? Either we're just friends, or more than that. I'm not the biggest romantic and I'm not the smartest person ever, so I really don't know what's going on.

I wonder how Max, Mom, and Dad are doing. Max is probably now back home, learning more about Pokemon as usual. Mom is probably...Mom. Dad is probably still battling the trainers that come to the Gym back home in Petalburg. Anyway....wish me luck!


So now it was seven. I opened my door and walked across the corridor to Drew's room. I knocked gently, knowing that Drew would hear me. He opened up, wearing a..........tuxedo?!? Reality check!!! I have never seen Drew in a tuxedo. I've seen him in swimming trunks and I've seen him in his regular clothes, but I have never seen him with a tuxedo. My mouth was wide open. I looked from his face down to his feet. Then I looked back to his face.
Drew smirked, as usual. "Well, May, didn't know you were smart enough to wear a nice dress. Guess I was wrong." My green-haired rival smirked yet once again. "Hello? Earth to May? She isn't even on Earth. Oh wait, she's lost in the galaxy of me. Should've known," he said.

Wow, so much for having luck on my side. I was getting so furious. And then the rose came to my face. I snapped out of my trance. "Huh, what?" I stuttered.

I took the rose out of his hand. I snapped the stem off and put the flower part of the rose in my hair. There was a garbage can nearby, so I threw away the stem.
I don't blush often, but when I do, it kinda expresses my feelings sometimes. I felt some of my blood rush to my face. I blinked a couple of times, trying not to let my green-haired rival see my blush. But too late. But then I realized Drew was staring at me, his face starting to turn a light red.

This was an interesting start to an interesting dinner.

Next Chapter: Things go not as planned at the dinner...so what happens?

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