A Daring, High-Flying Plan, part 2

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9:20 p.m. -------May's P.O.V. ------- Location: In the tower. On the second floor.

Weather Conditions: From a window, it is seen that the clouds are starting to scatter. Perhaps it will not be an overcast night, as the weather people predicted it would be.

Current status on plan: On the second floor, about thirteen more floors to go. A few voices and footsteps can be heard, but whatever or whoever they are or what purpose they serve is extremely vague.

Well, so far so good. I'm on the second floor, and as far as I know, the tower isn't going to collapse. Since the clouds are now dissipating, I have a bit more light, but I still have to watch where my next step will be. I could be plunged downwards, and then the guards would hear it. And then it's all over.

I'm trying to think positive thoughts. I still can hear a couple of stray footsteps. I climb through the bits and pieces of wreckage that seemed to have fallen from above.

Whoever or whatever is up there has a very good way of keeping themselves hidden, especially during the day. Unless they came at night.

I finally get to the foot of the stairs. I still have a lot of energy because of the caffeine, so I'm confident that I'll have just enough energy to get to the top of the tower and find the people who did this.

I quickly and as quietly as possible went up the stairs. So now I'm on the third floor.

A sudden pain shoots through my leg.

I look down, finding a huge splinter. It hurt, but it felt so much better once I took it out.

I glance at my watch. It said 9:30. I trudged through the broken beams of wood.

Another thought hit my mind. What if someone saw me? Then they'd turn me in. Unless it was someone I knew and I could trust.

Oh Great Arceus, help me!

9:35 p.m. -------May's P.O.V. ------- Location: In the tower. Going to the fourth floor.

I found my way through the third floor and now I'm going up, the fourth floor in my sight. I hear some ominous creaking. I flinched at the sound. That's not a good sign. I just kept hoping and kept praying that the structure would hold my weight.

Finally, I'm on the fourth floor. A couple lone Zubats come flying down. I duck, stifling a scream.

I keep watching my feet and the designated path I have drawn in my mind.

I'm now going up the stairs to the fifth floor.

10:50 p.m. -------May's P.O.V. ------- Location: In the tower. On the fourteenth floor.

Weather Conditions: The moonlight is streaming down, without any clouds to block the light. The clouds are floating at the edge of the sky, almost invisible. It is starting to get cooler. The dark is getting stronger with every passing hour.

Current status on plan: Creaking is heard. The voices upstairs seem quiet, as if they are trying to take something from the tower as quickly as they can. The sounds don't seem like Pokemon. It sounds like people.

And soon the floors start whizzing by. Sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and now I'm on the fourteenth.

That same ominous creaking is heard. I really start getting worried. Not good. If this creaking continues, it probably means that the building's foundations are weakening. And if it's weakened enough, the building will go down, with me along with it.

I'm starting to feel the effects of the caffeine wear off. I'm getting tired, so I sat down, taking out two granola bars and wolfing them down. And then I take a gulp of water. I feel some energy come back. I feel a little more revived. I got up, looking out a window from a distance. I'm pretty high up, and I feel the air start to thin. If I stayed here too long, I'd go unconscious because of the lack of oxygen. I pinch myself to stay awake and head up for the last floor.

11:10 p.m. -------May's P.O.V. ------- Location: In the tower. Getting up to the fifteenth floor.

Weather Conditions: Some clouds are gathering, almost as if an army was trying to block off the moon's light. These clouds look a bit dangerous; there might be a storm the next day.

Current status on plan: More creaking can be heard. But now the voices are heard clearly. The voices don't sound vague as they did at the bottom of the tower.

I climb up the last set of stairs. I pant lightly. I climbed up a lot of stairs. Then I see who the people are. They were....Team Rocket?

Didn't they disappear before? Weren't they defeated?

I shook my head. This wasn't the time for questions.

My footsteps gave away my position. The Team Rocket members turned around. And then I noticed. Their leader! I've heard of him. His name was Giovanni. He was the old Viridian City gym leader back in Kanto.

Giovanni snarled. "Didn't you secure the perimeter?" he asked a guy. I guessed that guy had a low position as a Grunt.

"I.......I........." the guy stuttered.

"Useless! This girl got in!" Giovanni stepped towards me. "I'm going to make you regret coming up here!" he said angrily under his breath.

Time for battle. I sent out Wartortle.

Giovanni smirked. "Let's decide this with a Pokemon battle, shall we?"

"Alright," I said, with determination in my voice. "It's a 2 on 2. You can use only two Pokemon. Deal?" I asked.

Giovanni smirked yet once more. "Deal. Let's begin. Alright Nidoking, Mega Kick!"

He sent out a Nidoking, preparing to use Mega Kick. I was a bit worried. Mega Kick would destroy the building even more and make it ever more weaker than its current state.

"Wartortle, jump and use Ice Beam on Nidoking! Quickly!" I desperately commanded.

Nidoking was going towards Wartortle. But my Pokemon was quicker and jumped, emitting a powerful Ice Beam from its mouth.

Giovanni smirked. Nidoking used the horn on top of its head, attempting to shield itself. It worked somewhat, only freezing its horn.

"Okay, Wartortle, let's try a Water Gun!" I felt a little concerned.

Wartortle shot a beam of water. Nidoking used its arms to protect itself.

Wow, that Nidoking knows what to do, even when its Trainer doesn't say anything.

But an idea bloomed in my mind. Everytime Nidoking protects itself, it shields itself from some of the damage, but not all of it. As I keep using attacks, it will start to weaken. Then my Coordinator skills gave me an idea.

A combination of two or three attacks could do a whole lot of damage. As a Ground type, I have a type advantage with my Water-type Wartortle.

"Hey Wartortle, let's use those combinations we've been practicing!" I exclaimed to my turtle Pokemon. Wartortle nodded.

"Alright, use Rapid Spin! Then use Ice Beam!" I said.

Wartortle followed and soon my Pokemon was a spinning and freezing hazard. Nidoking was trying to follow it with its eyes. But Wartortle kept going around and around, making Giovanni's Pokemon get dizzy. Nidoking was now vulnerable.

I quickly said to Wartortle, "Alright, use Ice Beam! Full power!"

Wartortle listened and quickly stored power for Ice Beam. Nidoking was still dizzy. Giovanni realized my strategy and yelled for Nidoking to pay attention. But its dizziness overwhelmed it. Wartortle used Ice Beam, with a whole lot of stored power. Being a Ground Type, Ice-type attacks are a bit dangerous. Nidoking realized too late that it should have done something.

Nidoking fainted. I smiled to Wartortle. Wartortle was excited for beating another opponent. I said for it to return. It returned back to its Poke Ball. I whispered to it, "Amazing job! You take a good rest now, okay?"

I placed the Poke Ball back in my little yellow bag. I was determined to win this. The Grunts were behind Giovanni, staring wide-mouthed.

I had a good idea. It was the same strategy I used for the guards outside.

I sent out Skitty. The Team Rocket leader sent out a Nidoqueen. I whispered to Skitty, "Distract Giovanni and Nidoqueen. Use some of your attacks if you need to."

Skitty meowed in agreement.

She went off toward the Nidoqueen, running around and around in circles.

I ran over to the Grunts. I told them to hand over whatever they were planning to steal. They were silent, but complied with me. They gave me a dazzling blue stone, a fiery red stone, a glinting silver stone, a delicately mined yellow stone, and a beautiful green stone. I was asking questions in my mind. Why did they want these? They're just stones, unless they're more than that.

Giovanni knew what I was doing, but instead he shrugged. He returned his Nidoqueen to its Poke Ball. He told the Grunts to get out. There was no point now for them staying here. They released some Golbats and flew out. Giovanni said quietly, "You may have ruined our plans, but you won't get away with it next time. There wasn't any point for those gems anyway. Just a waste of time and energy."

A Golbat took him out through the gaping hole in the wall. "Goodbye. For now." Those were the last words I heard before he flew right out.

"Hmm. Return, Skitty!" Skitty returned back to its Poke Ball and I put the orb in my yellow bag. The gems were in a bag, made out of a rough material.

The creaking of the building increased. This thing was about to go down! I heard cracking and a slight roaring a couple floors below me.

I took out Beautifly. It could fly for a short distance, and that short distance was all I needed. "Okay Beautifly, we're getting out of here!" My voice had a bit of desperation to it. I sat on top of the butterfly Pokemon and it launched itself, controlling its movements.There was a slight wind, so that helped my Pokemon.

We flew out, the moon shadowing us. Our outline could be clearly seen. Beautifly glided right down to a nearby tree. I got off and thanked it. It returned back to its Poke Ball.

I jumped right out of the tree. The ground greeted me, just a couple feet down. Once I got to my feet, I looked to the tower. The creaking and cracking and roaring had stopped. I breathed out a sigh of relief. My plan had went along perfectly.

Great Arceus, thank you.

And then the whole world went black and I collapsed on the ground.

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