Hopefully, My Memory Isn't Lost

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May's P.O.V.

Something or someone was lifting the door off of me. Oh, it felt like heaven.

Too bad the pain came running in and jumped on my body, revealing that I had bruises everywhere. My arms and legs were all in different directions.

This is soooooo embarrassing. And I'm in my nightgown, not in my regular clothes. Add even more embarrassment to that.

I don't think I'll be able to show my face to.....Drew?

He was the one who lifted the door off while Harley was just standing there and running around? Wow, this incident must have been loud enough for him to wake up.

I just hope for one thing. I don't have a concussion, and my memory isn't lost. I'm just hoping.

Wait, why is Drew yelling at Harley? Drew almost never yells, except for the time he got mad about Absol's Razor Wind....

Unless it's that....that...he.....

You should really say thanks to him. He did help you. And eventually you will have to admit that....you... My mind was telling me.

"Stop! I said stop!" I said inside my mind, unknowingly said what I thought out loud.

Drew stopped. He looked at me. Harley stopped and he looked at me too. I sweat dropped. Me and my big mouth.

I really didn't mean to say that out loud. But it did also calm those two bickering rivals down. My arms and legs were numb, after me staying under the door for so long. I struggled to get up, trying to ignore the pricks and needles of pain.

I flinched a couple of times, but I finally got up. I yawned and adjusted my hair. Drew just stared blankly at me. Then this was his reply, "MAY?!?! What are you doing, going to a beauty pageant?!?! You just got slammed under a door, and this is how you deal with it?!?!"

I smiled tiredly, "Oh hey Drew. Hey Harley. No, I'm not going to a beauty pageant, I'm just adjusting my hair. A girl has to have a good hair. Got a problem with that? Wait, boys really don't care about their hair, do they?"

My sarcastic remark started to get Drew turning red. Wow, you can really annoy this guy if you wanted to. I know how to get under that sarcastic and proud exterior of his. It's simple, once you get to know him.

Harley just shrugged and said sarcastically, "Great, May, you're alright. See ya later!" Harley walked off. I just shrugged and dusted myself off.

And then I noticed that people were in the corridor, looking at the incident that happened. I sweat dropped and nonchalantly announced, "Hey, people, good morning! Sorry about the noise and sorry to wake you guys early! You can go back to sleep now, 'kay?"

I was not trusting my brain. This isn't what I usually would say, is it?

NEXT CHAPTER: Did May lose her memory? And why is Harley acting really weird? (Me: Other than his normal amount of weirdness, which is a LOT of weirdness) Find out...

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