The Contest

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Normal P.O.V.

The contest began. Lillian announced, "Okay, people. We are officially beginning the Goldenrod City Pokemon Contest! Today, you'll see brilliant and dazzling appeals from our coordinators! And for the pair who wins, the prestigious Goldenrod Ribbon will be awarded to them! So are you excited?!?!"

The crowd roared with agreement.

"Alright then, let's get started!" Lillian's voice rang throughout the stadium.

May's P.O.V.

Contests......they bring me back memories.

It brings back memories of the Grand Festival, the lights and the prestige, and of course the rivals and ribbons.

I hear footsteps coming my way. I looked up and saw Drew, pondering about something.

I asked, "Hey Drew! What combination are you going to perform for the appeal round?"

Drew just stayed quiet. I guess he was too busy thinking about whatever he was thinking about to listen.

Then Drew stopped his line of thought and answered my question.

"Perhaps I'll do Sweet Scent and Petal Dance. That will be a decent combination."

An idea popped into my head. "Hey Drew? Why don't we ask the other person's Pokemon to do the combination? Well, this is what I mean. I tell Roserade to do Sweet Scent and Petal Dance, while you tell Blaziken to use Flamethrower and Sky Uppercut?"

"Hmm.....that isn't such a bad idea, once you think about it," Drew started to smile.

"So, let's do that when it's our turn to shine," I smiled back.

On the TV, we saw Lillian announce, "Okay, our next pair have two famous coordinators! May, the "Princess of Hoenn" and Drew, it's your turn!"

We both got up and headed to the stage. We saw everyone clapping and cheering. We heard a couple of whistles in the mix as well. Drew and I smiled, waving to the excited audience.

"Alright, Roserade, come on out!" said Drew.

"Okay, Blaziken, take the stage!" I said.

Blaziken and Roserade came on out, all ready to go.

"Alright, Roserade, let's start with Sweet Scent and follow it up with Petal Dance!" I commanded.

"Blaziken, use Flamethrower and then use Sky Uppercut to follow it up!" Drew yelled.

In just a matter of seconds, hundreds of petals and sparkles floated down to the audience. The audience "oohed" and "aahed" in amazement.

Drew and I looked to the three judges for our comments and scores. From the first judge, we got this comment, "That was a beautiful display of contrasting elements: grass and fire and fighting types. The petals definitely blended in with those sparkles!" We got a score of 9.6 from that judge.

The second judge simply said, "Remarkable!" We got a score of 9.5 from the second judge.

The third judge, which was Nurse Joy remarked, "That was simply delightful! I have never seen such an amazing display of petals and sparkles like that! I think that's the best appeal I've ever seen!" We got a score of 9.5, bringing our score to a decent score of 28.6, meaning that we would make it into the next round.

You had to get a minimum of 28 points to advance. And we saw Solidad and.....Harley? Solidad's partner was Harley? Oh crud, this is weird. I had such a high respect for Solidad, but I think I don't have as much respect for her now.

However, Solidad and Harley managed to pull off a good appeal worth 28.5, making them get into the next round.

Drew's P.O.V.

Solidad and Harley? Never expected it. But at least we made it into the final round and we got a pretty good score. But now May and I have to fight our way to the final round where we have to beat the other pair to get the ribbon.

No problem. I think that the other pairs don't have as much training. So after a couple of easy battles, we're facing Solidad and Harley. This will be one interesting battle.

May's P.O.V.

Wow, I can't believe Drew and I made it into the finals. Now we're up against Solidad and Harley. Harley is pretty easy to beat, but Solidad is a whole different story. She's pretty tough.

Now here we go.

Normal P.O.V.

May and Drew sent out Blaziken and Roserade. Solidad sent out Milotic, while Harley sent out Cacturne (obviously).

May commanded Roserade to use Razor Leaf on Milotic. Because of the Speed and Type advantage of Razor Leaf, Milotic did not have much time to do anything. The Razor Leaf was able to score a critical hit, bringing down a fifth of Solidad's and Harley's points.

Drew called out to Blaziken to use Sky Uppercut, but at the same time to try to use Flamethrower in a spin. Harley called for his Pokemon to use Needle Arm, but the Sky Uppercut and Flamethrower combo in a spin protected the powerful Fire and Fighting-type Pokemon. Cacturne got hit hard, and it was struggling to get up.

Solidad called to Milotic to use Ice Beam against Roserade. An Ice-type attack with that much power will cause a whole lot of trouble for a Grass-type. But May told Roserade to dodge and then use Magical Leaf, a powerful Grass-type attack that will never miss. Milotic tried to counter using Surf, but by then it was too late.

Milotic fainted, and in just a couple more seconds, Blaziken finished off Cacturne with Blaze Kick.

The points of Harley's and Solidad's were all down.

"May and Drew are the winners of the Goldenrod City Contest!" Lillian exclaimed into her microphone.

"We are going to award our winning pair each the Goldenrod Ribbon!" Lillian added.

May and Drew each got a ribbon, symbolizing that they both have taken the first step to going to the Johto Grand Festival.

NEXT CHAPTER: A day at the beach. So how will it go? Find out...

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