Going to Johto, part 4 || A New Contest

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After that interesting dinner, I walked back to my room, wondering if there were any contests in Johto that I could go to. I switched on the TV in my room and flipped through the channels. While doing that, I found a commercial that said the next Johto contest would be in Goldenrod City. The cruise ship I was on would dock near there, so I only had a short bike ride to the city.

I counted up how much money I had, which happened to amount up to 3,000 Pokemon Dollars. That's a good amount. I have just enough money to get a decent hotel room for around a week, and if I win the contest in Goldenrod City, I'll be getting another 5,000 Pokemon Dollars. So that'd be nice.

I was in a sense of excitement, yet I was also filled with a feeling of melancholy. You know what I mean? I sat on my bed, cross-legged, wondering what exactly I would do once I got to Johto, other than winning contests. My thoughts drifted over to Ash and Brock, who said they were going to the Sinnoh region, a place far from Hoenn, Kanto, and Johto.

I heard someone knocking on my door. It wasn't pounding, but it wasn't the gentle knocking I usually do. I opened up, expecting Drew. Instead, I found someone worse.

I found a man with long purple hair in some Cacturne sort of clothes. It was Harley. My worst nightmare. And guess who was right behind him? You probably guessed it, it was Drew. Behind my worst nightmare, Drew scratched his head, shrugged, and sweat dropped.

"Oh May, it's so delightful to see you, sweetie!" Harley grasped my hands, while I forcefully and loudly exhaled. Well, this is going well, my mind said sarcastically.

So much for having a peaceful (most of the time) cruise. My cruise got so much worse from there. This is so not good.

Great Arceus, help me to survive this, I thought silently in my now overloading head.

Drew's P.O.V.

I felt sorry for May. And I felt sorry for myself. Why did Harley have to come on this cruise? I'd rather have my group of annoying fan girls crowding all around me, asking to sign their photographs, instead of having the purple-haired wonder of weirdness.

I really didn't have a choice. Wanna know why?

It was because Harley was really creeping me out. I'm not going to repeat what he said and asked me, so whoever is reading this will keep their sanity. I don't want me or May or anyone else going insane and being so surprised at what Harley told me.

I was trying to get to sleep, when I heard a light knocking on my door. I had my shirt and pants on before I attempted to go to sleep, so I just went straight to the door, expecting May to be there, asking some question that I could answer in a heartbeat.

And there he was, my worst nightmare. Harley had to come on this cruise. My cruise will not be as peaceful and fun as I thought. Harley came up to my door and asked me questions such as "Where is May?" and "How are you doing, hun?" and other creepy questions which I really care not to say. You get the idea.

Dear Palkia, couldn't you warp space and get this creep off this ship? my mind pleaded.

Next Chapter: Something is waiting for our two coordinators. A night that started out awkward, but gives some insight about Drew. No more saying! Just read it and you'll get it! :)

May and Drew: After HoennNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ