A Day At The Beach

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May's P.O.V.

Hey, we won the contest! And as a result, we deserve a good break! I decided to go to the beach.

Maybe even Drew would come. Except in his limousine, not going on a bus like I am.

But what surprised me was that Drew actually wanted to come along with me on the bus. There wasn't anything wrong with the idea, so I told him to have his swimsuit at the ready, to wait right outside my hotel door at eleven the next morning.

And after a good night's sleep, it was around ten. I took a really quick shower and packed the swimsuit I bought from the cruise. I wore my regular casual clothes. It wasn't like we were going to a fancy banquet or something like that. So hence the reason for the casual clothes.

I decided to take along Beautifly, Wartortle, and Skitty. I wanted Blaziken to take a rest and Munchlax would only eat or sleep the whole time. I left Venusaur in the care of my little brother, Max. Then I decided Glaceon should come along. Maybe we'll do a couple of battles in between.

So after sitting for an half an hour on the bus, we were finally at our destination. Drew and I changed in two separate tents. I heard Roserade and Flygon come out. So Drew must be all done. I changed into my bikini in about two minutes, and then I stepped out. The sun greeted me with its warmth, bathing me in light.

I stretched and looked around for Drew. He wasn't in my line of sight. I shrugged. Only Arceus knows what goes on in that mind of his.

I kept walking, heading for the ocean. Then I got attacked and all of a sudden I started laughing. I was getting tickled by someone. I eventually realized that someone was Drew. I'm really ticklish, so of course I started laughing a lot.

"Hahaahaha, Drew, stop it!" I kept laughing.

Drew stopped tickling all of a sudden. I opened my eyes and realized we were in an awkward position. Drew was right above me, almost like he was in push-up position, while I was right below him.

This was really awkward.

Drew's P.O.V.

I looked down at May, who began to blush a lot. "Um....." My face began to feel hot.

"May, you look.......great." I was feeling really shy.

May noticed that I was in my swimsuit, which just happened to be swimming trunks. "Um...thanks...Drew, you don't look too bad either." I knew through May's facial expressions that she wasn't used to saying this.

"Um..........so, I'll get up now..." I got myself back on my feet and helped May get up as well.

"Thanks. So now what?" She looked around, watching her Pokemon and my Pokemon having fun out on the sand.

"I don't know. Except I'm surfing," I pointed out to the surf shop behind us.

I began to run and received the surfboard I was renting for the day. May came running up, panting. "Could I.....*pant*....get a surfboard too?" she asked.

"Sure. That'll be 45 dollars, please." came the clerk's reply.

"Oh no, my purse is with my change of clothes." May looked a bit worried.

"No big deal. Here you go," I said, handing the money over. "Thanks and have fun!" The clerk smiled.

May got her surfboard which was red with some flower designs. I got a green one with stripes running down the center.

We ran to the ocean and bellyflopped onto our surfboards. We paddled our way and once we got close to the upcoming wave, we got up onto our feet and balanced. The wave pushed us toward the shore. It felt great, having the breeze whistle through my hair, and May was right beside me, having a great time.

But May lost her balance and wiped out. I was able to get to the shore and paddled my way halfway into the next wave. May was struggling to get her head up, but she made it. She let the power of the wave push her to shore. She shook her head, trying to get a few water droplets out of her now drenched hair.

I stared at her. The sun made her look....just.........great. I didn't realize until too late, that I wasn't paying attention to a wave that was coming my way.

I got slammed with a wall of water. I almost got the breath knocked out of me. But I kicked my way up to the surface and let the force of the next wave push me to shore. We surfed for about another hour or two.

I got to my other change of clothes and looked at the time on my watch. It said two. I was pretty drenched, so I got a towel and changed back to my normal clothes. May did the same.

There was a boardwalk, so as friends, May and I decided to walk on it.

Our steps echoed lightly, but we couldn't hear them, due to the sound of the ocean. May matched every stride of mine, and we made our way down the boardwalk.

After that awkward incident of me on top of her, we couldn't really talk. I felt that the atmosphere was really tense.

"Oh Drew.....if you only knew," May whispered, unaware that I heard every word.

"If I only knew what?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Huh? Nothing. Never mind," May answered, doing a poor job of hiding something. "Hey, there's an amusement park! Let's go!" May exclaimed, pulling me along. We ran, dodging people and pets. We finally got there and looked up. The Ferris Wheel was huge.

My brown-haired rival held onto my hand, running around more people and pets, to get some tickets. After getting the tickets, we decided to go on the bumper cars. I'm really good at it, so I smashed my way to victory.

Next, we went to a game where you use a mallet to hit something and if you reach the bell, you get a prize. May gave up two tickets and hit her hardest. But she didn't hit hard enough to hit the bell. I tried it. I gave two tickets and picked up the mallet and swung it down hard. The bell rang, and the guy in front told us to choose what we wanted. I chose a Mudkip doll and gave it to May.

May was pretty happy.

We went on a roller coaster ride. I was a bit dizzy, but I could deal with it.

May's P.O.V.

It was really nice of Drew to give me the Mudkip stuffed doll. I hugged it a couple of times and then checked the time on my watch. It said three thirty.

At six or so, I had to get back to the hotel to find out where my next destination was.

Drew and I played a couple more games and in the end, we bought some cotton candy. I was content with the treat. And I was content with our prizes.

Along with the Mudkip doll, I got a Vaporeon doll, a Wailmer doll, and a Torchic doll. I couldn't hold everything, so Drew held the Wailmer and Torchic dolls. So while we were finishing off the cotton candy, I was looking around, finding out what our next ride would be. At this time it was around five. So we could afford getting on the Ferris Wheel and walking down the boardwalk once more.

Drew and I paid our last tickets for the Ferris Wheel and we got on. The gondola, unlike a normal Ferris Wheel, was one that swung back and forth. Once the Wheel started to rotate, the gondola swung back and forth. I held on for dear life, while Drew was acting cool about it, just sitting and enjoying the ride. We both looked out to the sky, with the sun right above the horizon, just about to set. The sky contained splashes of orange and purple and pink, with the normal blue.

It felt like a romantic movie. Or something like that. Drew put his arm around my shoulder. At first, I was a bit shocked, but I got used to the feeling. I leaned my head on Drew's shoulder. I heard Drew whisper, "May, I had a lot of fun. I had such a great time with you."

I whispered back, "I had a ton of fun too. Today was amazing! Thanks for winning those prizes for me..."

Drew smirked. But he said gently, "You're welcome. It was great to see you happy."

Once we got back down on the ground, we ran through the boardwalk, so we could catch the bus to my hotel. We were able to catch the bus, and once we got to my hotel, Drew said a silent goodbye, but before that, he gave me his cell phone number.

My green-haired and green-eyed rival walked to his hotel, the sun finally setting above the trees, painting everything in a glorious hue of orange and pink.

NEXT CHAPTER: Another contest is in the Johto region! May bikes over to the next town, just to find something a bit disturbing. What had happened? Find out.....

May and Drew: After HoennTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon