Saved By The Bell.... Wait, No, It's Drew?

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Drew's P.O.V.

Mhm....I felt like I could sleep forever. But that was interrupting by a constant pounding on the door. May woke up, surprisingly. May looked through the hole in the door. And guess who it was?

Harley? Again? Oh holy Arceus, I thought. We were now imprisoned in our own "house". The only way we could get out was either through the window, or call security and get the guy outta here. We decided to call security instead. Even if it's a "big event" among the people in the hotel, at least Harley wouldn't be pounding on our door in the morning.

I quickly dialed the number and told the hotel people down at the lobby that we needed security. Security came up to the room and took a struggling Harley away. I sighed in relief.

May rubbed her eyes. She went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. Once she finished brushing her teeth, she was all ready to get some breakfast.

Even if it was in my shirt and shorts, I was just fine to go get breakfast without changing into my regular clothes.

After I finished brushing, we went downstairs and got some pancakes and orange juice. We got breakfast for our Pokemon. While they were eating, May and I sat at a table, pouring the syrup and cutting the pancakes.

Once we were done, we went up the elevator and got back to the room.

May's P.O.V.

Well, it is nice for Drew to come and have a sleepover. At least, until his room gets fixed up.

After we changed into our regular clothes, we went outside and did some sightseeing.

I took some pics with my camera. Drew eventually got annoyed with the clicking and flashing, but he dealt with it.

We heard throughout the town that there was a "tournament". We went over and saw what was going on. The idea was that if you could beat everyone else, you'd get around 200 dollars and some Poke Blocks. Both of us were in, and eventually, Drew won the prize, after beating me with his Flygon.

So right now it was the afternoon. My stomach rumbled with protest. I didn't have food for about six hours now. So I took Drew's hand, and dragged him to a small cafe, where I got a footlong sub and some Mountain Dew to top it off. Drew just had a bag of chips and lemonade.

It was a simple meal, but it was very filling.

I wanted to go for a walk, so after arguing with Drew, we both went. I was walking right on the middle of the road, and I guess I forgot to look both ways......So what ended up happening was that a bus was headed straight in my direction, and I was standing there, gaping and not doing anything like an idiot.

Something or should I say, someone, pushed me out of the way of the oncoming vehicle. The bus whizzed past, bringing along with it a draft of wind, that blew forcefully from the angle I was in.

I pushed myself up, looking around, wondering who saved me. And you probably guessed it, it was Drew. Wow, this guy could hustle if he chose to.

"Are you okay?" I wondered.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Well, now I am. After saving my beautiful rival from a bus." Drew smirked. Then he began to turn red, after realizing what he said.

The meaning of the words sank in. I began to blush furiously. "What did you say?"

Drew was shy, once again. I caught him red-handed. "Um, nothing. I said I'm okay." Drew's voice was soft.

"And what did you say after that?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Nothing, nothing......" was his reply.

"Right. I know what you really said, but for the sake of your self-esteem, I'll drop the topic. Hey, is that a lake over there?" I pointed toward a glimmering blue color between the trees.

"Hey, you're probably right."

Now it was Drew's turn to take my hand and run toward the sparkling cerulean.

In fact, the glimmering blue was a lake.

It was pretty peaceful, and you could see some Pokemon play in the water. We saw a Swellow fly overhead. We saw a Gyarados and some Magikarp. You get the idea, we saw lake Pokemon.

The sun was shining brightly, cloaking everything in a soft yellow glow. The clouds were floating overhead lazily, letting the wind determine their direction. It was a great day.

I pondered about the events that occurred during the day.

Maybe Drew isn't such a bad person to have with you during your travels.

NEXT CHAPTER: A haphazard run through town. How does it go? Find out....

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