A Daring, High-Flying Plan, part 1

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May's P.O.V.

I had a plan. But it required the right moment at the right exact time to carry out the plan. I decided to wait till dusk, when people started to go home. I had to use the darkness for my plan. The police didn't notice this, but there were a couple of sounds that some other Pokemon could hear. I noticed the strange behavior of the Pokemon.

They were signaling that someone should go up to the top floor.

I knew that this was extremely dangerous. And there were a couple of reasons.

Number one, I don't know how much the tower had been weakened by whatever hit it.

Number two, if I got caught, I'd be in a whole heap of trouble with the law.

Number three, I'm by myself. So if I needed any help, I can only rely on my Pokemon. I believe in them, but it usually helps to have another person with you sometimes.

Number four, it was going to be pretty dark up there. I don't have too much light, except the moon, if it isn't blocked by clouds tonight.

Number five, how exactly was I going to get past the police? They would have guards posted there at night, wouldn't they?

And finally number six, I'd have to not reveal a single thing about my whole plan, which doesn't always work. I, along with some other people, know that I have a very big mouth and blurt out things that should be kept secret.

But I was determined. Whoever it was, I had to stop them from getting away with it.

8:00 p.m. that day.....

Okay, the sun is setting. Well, probably half an hour more till it sets, to be exact. I told my Pokemon about the plan. I told them to be as quiet as possible. I didn't tell Munchlax, because he would be sleeping during the time we'd be out.

I made sure I had some caffeine in my system. I usually wouldn't be out this late, so I needed the extra energy.

This was going to be risky. Very risky.

And hopefully, I wouldn't crash. That caffeine would give me energy, but eventually, I would crash.

I decided to bring along a water bottle and a couple of granola bars. I thought about bringing a small box of cereal, and in the end, I did bring cereal.

Great Arceus, please help me! And hopefully, the building won't collapse, I won't get caught, and I'll find the people who did this, I prayed.

8:45 p.m. ------ May's P.O.V. ------- Location: Near the tower.

Fortunately, there were only four or five guards. Not as much as I expected. The sun has set, and the moon is up in the sky. However, there's a downside to the moon shining without any clouds. The light will reveal my position. And then those guards will call reinforcements to come.

And then it'll be all over.

I'm going to wait a couple more minutes; I checked the weather right before I left. It was supposed to get really cloudy overnight. And looking at a brochure, I found out that the Bellsprout Tower had about fifteen floors.

Hopefully, the clouds will come in. Then I'll have to distract these guards. I thought of using Skitty, but then I reconsidered. Perhaps I'll use Blaziken to use Flamethrower near the guards. If the effect that I'm expecting will happen, then the guards will go after Blaziken. But by then I'll be in the tower.

Hopefully, Arceus is in a good mood and will help me.

9:10 p.m. -------May's P.O.V.-------- Location: By the side of the tower.

Weather Conditions: The clouds are gathering, blocking the moon. It will be an overcast night.

Current status on plan: Hidden in the trees for camouflage. Blaziken is ready to be sent out. Skitty will accompany him a couple of seconds after he is doing his part of the plan.

"Okay guys," I whisper to Blaziken and Skitty. "You know what to do."

They both nodded.

Blaziken jumped out, running out to the front of the tower and used Flamethrower. From the angle I was in, I was seeing some of the guards trying to get hold of a Poke Ball.

Skitty went out, joining Blaziken.

Unfortunately, I noticed that there were two guards on this side of the tower. However the shadows hid me very well. And I watched where I positioned my feet. Using the towering shadow of the tall building, I was able to get inside. I had taught Blaziken how to use his senses to know when I went in.

He perked up his head and signaled for Skitty to run for the tower. The guards knew that some Pokemon lived in the tower, so it was natural if Pokemon came and went.

Once they got in, the most difficult part of my plan was complete. All I had to do was get to the top. And I head a dull sound from above me. I heard a few footsteps and a voice. It didn't seem like it was the Pokemon who lived here.

Maybe I could pull this off.

9:20 p.m. -------May's P.O.V. ------- Location: In the tower. On the second floor.

Weather Conditions: From a window, it is seen that the clouds are starting to scatter. Perhaps it will not be an overcast night, as the weather people predicted it would be.

Current status on plan: On the second floor, about thirteen more floors to go. A few voices and footsteps can be heard, but whatever or whoever they are or what purpose they serve is extremely vague.

NEXT CHAPTER: Will May get to the top? Will she find out who is the perpetrator(s)? Will everything go perfectly as planned? Find out... 

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