To Cianwood City!

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Drew's P.O.V.

Hmm.....looks like the next contest is in Cianwood City. That is extremely far, on the other side of Johto. It probably will take us a full day by going on a plane.

I saved May's butt again by getting her a plane ticket. Of course, I paid for the plane, she decided to pay for our hotel. By using all the money she has earned from the contests, we were able to get a five-star hotel.

"Come on May, we gotta go! Now! Or we're gonna be late! Finish up, you idiot!" I yelled in my rival's ear.

"Yeah, yeah, what's the time, you moron?" May's reply was abrupt.

"It's seven, you demented idiot," I hissed.

May suddenly stopped eating. She had tears in her eyes. "I'm demented?!?! I'm sorry, Drew! Waaahh!!"

"Aw, May, I didn't mean it. The heat of the moment got to me, that's all. Come here, beautiful," I welcomed May into my arms.

May stopped crying and smiled because I called her by a nickname I almost never used. She gave me a hug and I gathered up the rest of her breakfast into a doggie bag.

"You eat the rest of your breakfast in the shuttle, alright?" I lovingly ruffled my rival's hair.

"Okay! Let's go!" May ran out, grabbing my hand. She had the energy of a little girl going to a toy store.


Okay, we're in Cianwood City. It's a coastal city, and I've heard a lot of people live off the sea or whatever it yields.

That plane trip took quite a while. We did have a couple of movies to watch and some games on the TV in front of us. May and I even versed each other in some racing games. It was quite the heated battle; I'd have to admit May was really good. But I won. Boys play racing a little more better than girls, no offense to you girls out there. (Me: Hey, that is not true! I'm a girl and I'm a beast at racing games!)

Anyway, once we got to Cianwood, we checked into the five-star hotel and ordered room service. Both of us got separate rooms, but I came over to May's room. We got some late breakfast.

After eating, we returned the trays we used to the hotel person in the lobby. We decided to take a tour of Cianwood City on a tour bus. We visited the shops (even though that wasn't my favorite part). We got to see the Contest Hall as well. But the best part of the tour was actually at the end.

We all saw a great view of the sun setting below the horizon. The sun was made up of puzzle pieces of red, orange, and yellow. The sky had huge droplets of purple, pink, and orange, almost like the blue sky was paper, and the purple, pink, and orange were splatters of paint.

May enveloped her hand in mine. Ever since her confession, and ever since my confession back on the plane to Blackthorn, we've grown pretty comfortable sticking together.

Everything felt like it fell into place in that one moment, looking at the sun finally setting.

And if May wins this next contest, she'll receive the trophy. But then, where would we go next?

NEXT CHAPTER: Another training day! How will the preparations go? And does May have competition? Find out......

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