Training Day... And The Other Day Goes Whizzing By... And It's The Contest!

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May's P.O.V.

Wow, that day at the was REALLY FUN!!!!!!!

Sorry, I'm getting hyper.


Sorry 'bout that. To get rid of my hypertension, I just slapped myself really hard.

Okay, after that......

Today is training day! I'm using Skitty and making it to use Blizzard with a spin. It's a bit on the lucky side, but we've practiced. At a certain point in the sky, the pressure will be so intense, making the ball of ice released pretty much explode, sending some sparkles and some snow down.

That should be nice.......

That night........

Skitty and I perfected the Blizzard spin! It's pretty simple, but a dazzling move at that! I think that since I'm so excited, tomorrow will go by so much faster. Soon it'll be the contest!

The next night......

Yep, I was right, today went whizzing by. Tomorrow's the contest! And I heard that music would be played with every appeal. So that might even add a couple of points to our score if we get along to the beat.

The next morning, at ten........

Oops, I think I overslept. But that's okay, I got ready for the contest. It's in half an hour. And the contest hall is nearby. I didn't see where Drew went.

Oh well. If I win this contest, it's the third ribbon! And the Johto rules state that if you win five ribbons out of the seven contests, you'll get awarded a trophy for your extremely good efforts. So basically, there isn't a Grand Festival (Me: So sad...). But it's easier this time to get a "Grand Festival" trophy than in Hoenn or Kanto.

Later....May is the next coordinator called up. The song "On the Floor" (By Jennifer Lopez) is playing.

Okay, I'm ready! And I have a good idea of when to use Skitty's Blizzard Spin. I started when these lyrics were playing:

" La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Tonight we gon' be it on the floor"

I told Skitty to use Blizzard, but add a spin, just like when we did the combination.

Everything worked out amazingly, and I got an excellent score of 29.3, which is amazing!

That's because the appeal was simple, but had an amazing effect.

Woohoo, I was going to the next round! Drew even made it to the next round as well.

Harley didn't make it though. But okay then. Surprisingly, Solidad wasn't there. I wonder why?

Jumping forwards in time........Now's it's between May and Drew (Me: AGAIN!)

Okay, between me and Drew again. This will be interesting.

Normal P.O.V.

"Alright, Skitty, you're up!" May called out, sending out the Pokemon that got her this far.

"Okay, Roserade, let's go!" Drew called out, releasing his Rose Pokemon.

"Skitty, let's start with Blizzard, but hit the Blizzard with DoubleSlap!" May commanded.

Skitty did it, making the Blizzard unleash its full power more quickly than it usually did.

A huge blast of cold, snow, and ice went hurling towards Drew's Grass-type Pokemon.

"Roserade, quick! SolarBeam!" Drew called out.

Roserade quickly gathered some solar power, all thanks to the sun shining overhead.

It unleashed the beam, which was a formidable shield from Blizzard.

A huge explosion issued from the power of both attacks meeting head-on.

Once the smoke cleared, the audience could see both sides got some damage. For both coordinators, the same amount of points went down.

Three and a half minutes hung on the clock.

Drew gritted his teeth. This was going to be one heck of a battle. Then he got an idea. He learned this strategy from the battle with May.

"Hey, Roserade, use SolarBeam on the ground! Let's go!' Drew instructed.

Roserade emitted the powerful beam, making its target the battlefield. A whole load of dirt and rocks came firing towards Skitty, along with the remnants of the SolarBeam.

It was May's turn to grit her teeth. Her own strategy was being used against her.

May furiously yelled, "Skitty, use Blizzard! FULL POWER!!!"

Skitty unleashed an extremely powerful Blizzard with tints of blue in it. May muttered to herself, "Right now, I'm going to be vicious. I don't have that much of a choice left."

The extremely dangerous Blizzard froze up the rocks and dirt. Roserade was in a panic. "Dodge!" Drew yelled.

Roserade dodged, but just in the nick of time.

Drew's eyes lit up with the fire of determination. "Okay, well that's how you wanna play?" he yelled out to May.

"Let's go, Roserade, Magical Leaf! Then fire up a Petal Dance!" Drew commanded.

Some of May's points went down. The beautiful combination of both Grass-type attacks had a strong appeal to the judges.

Multicolored leaves mixed in with petals. Together, the attack was extremely powerful.

May closed her eyes. This battle was becoming extremely heated up.

She suddenly opened them. "Skitty, make a shield using Blizzard on the ground! Let's make an ice fort!"

Ice suddenly built up in layers in a shape of a fort.

The Magical Leaf/Petal Dance attacks hit the ice, but Skitty took no damage. Instead, Drew's points went down. Both coordinators were tied.

Only half a minute was left hanging on the clock.

Both coordinators were breathing hard. They didn't have enough breath left to issue another instruction.

Time ran out. And guess who won?

Both were co-winners of the Olivine City contest! Both coordinators received the Olivine City Contest Ribbon. One of the judges had said, "That was such a heated battle! I could feel unbeatable passion from both sides! I can't even believe you're friends!"

The sun was shining, ever so brightly, reaching its peak in the sky. Clouds were driven away by the unbeatable fire. Just like the unbeatable fire in our two coordinators.

NEXT CHAPTER: This was one heated battle, right?!?! Another destination is awaiting our two heroes! Where is the next contest? Find out....

May and Drew: After HoennOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant