Did I Forget Something?

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Drew's P.O.V.

Did May have a personality adjustment?

She seems more....I don't know....different. She acts cool about situations that she usually gets so fired up about.

What happened? Did she get a concussion? What really happened? But personally, I think that age gives you some knowledge about how you should behave. So maybe that's what happened.

Wait, did I forget something about today?

Why do I feel like I forget something?

Why do I think that today has to do with May's personality change?

Unless....it's her birthday! That's probably why. She's probably happy about it so that's why her behavior has changed.

I face palmed myself. I'm so dumb sometimes that I can't even figure out the simplest of things!

But what should I get her? I don't know what girls like....
my thoughts wandered. I got an idea.

I'll just get her some roses and cake and maybe some lunch! I already know how much she likes food. This will be perfect!

So from one of the shops on the ship, I got some roses and from another shop I got some cake. I stuck the cake in my fridge that's in my room. And taking about 20 Pokemon Dollars with me, that should be enough to get some lunch for both me and May.

I first had to find May first. I looked throughout all the shops and hopefully May will forgive me for this, but I looked in her room. I ran up and down, just to find my rival. And there she was, going back to her room.

I was starting to get mad, but I told myself to calm down, today's May's birthday. I'll have lots of time to get mad at her later.

So I went up to her and said, "Hey May, would you like to get some lunch? Maybe we could go to a noodle restaurant?"

May looked at me weirdly, but she nodded. She said, "Okay, sure! I'd love some noodles. I'll be at your door in two hours. See ya then!"

May closed the door.

Wow, I didn't know she acted so cool and collected on her birthday. I wish she was always like that instead of the usual hot-headed girl I know.

NEXT CHAPTER: What happens in Drew's and May's lunch? Find out....

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