The Final Round! May vs. Harley!

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May's P.O.V. far, I'm doing pretty well. I can't believe I beat Drew though in the semifinals.

I wonder how Harley beat Solidad. I guess I'll find out when the replay of the contest comes on tonight.

Banette must be pretty tough to be able to beat Solidad's Pokemon.

I'm now thinking about what Pokemon I should use against Banette.

I'm thinking of going with Wartortle. I don't know why exactly I'm going with him, but I just am.

Wish me luck!

Harley's P.O.V. (Me: Ugh, I hate writing P.O.V.s for Harley, but I kinda have to...)

I can't believe that little brat beat her boyfriend. It's so surprising. I was expecting to battle that green-haired brat, but life isn't nice to you now, is it?

I'm going to beat that brown-haired brat and get the Violet City ribbon that I deserve!

Normal P.O.V.

"Alright! This is the final round of the Violet City Contest! Today's finals involve May, "The Princess of Hoenn" and Harley, a Cacturne fanatic! Who will win? Well, we'll find out! So let's.....begin!" Lillian announced to the crowd.

The crowd cheered and clapped and whistled. Everyone was excited to see the battle between the two coordinators unfold.

"Alright, Wartortle, take the stage!" May started, releasing her Pokemon.

"Wartortle!" the turtle Pokemon chanted.

"Okay, Banette. Let's go!" Harley called out, releasing a ghost with a twisted smile on its face.

"Banette, start with Thunder!" Harley called out. Some thunderclouds appeared above.

May thought for a couple of moments. She knew Banette had Thunder, and that could take out Wartortle in one straight hit,

But she was prepared. "Wartortle, use Ice Beam on those clouds above!"

Wartortle unleashed a decent Ice Beam, stopping the electricity gathering in the clouds overhead.

"What?!?!" Harley called out, starting to get a bit worried.

"Okay, Wartortle, use Ice Beam on the battlefield!" May called out.

In just a couple of seconds, the battlefield was turned into an icy playground, dotted with little spirals pointing up to the sky.

Banette was slipping and sliding. A fraction of Harley's points went down.

Wartortle didn't have much trouble; it was a Water-type, so it was alright on the ice.

Harley desperately thought up a plan. "Banette, use Shadow Ball on Wartortle!"

May had a plan in her mind already. "Wartortle, use your combination of Rapid Spin and Ice Beam!"

This combination attack was from the Bellsprout Tower battle against Giovanni. May was ready to use it if needed. And now she needed it.

A shadowy blob formed near Banette and was hurled toward a quickly spinning target. However, it missed, flying into the icy clouds above, releasing the energy stored.

Hail started to come raining down. Because of its hard shell, Wartortle was alright from the pelting of the merciless hail. Banette, however, did not have such a good protection. Some more of Harley's points went down.

Harley was getting very desperate. "Banette, use Sucker Punch!"

Sucker Punch was an attack that always hit. But because of Wartortle's Rapid Spin and because of its hard shell, the accurate attack did not do much damage.

Harley's plan backfired. Because of the close proximity needed to deliver Sucker Punch, Banette got hit hard with an Ice Beam that acted like a whip.

"Ba.....nette," the Ghost-type Pokemon panted. "Come on Banette. Get up!!!" Harley started to jump around.

There was only one minute left on the clock.

"Alright, Wartortle, finish it off with Ice Beam! Let's go!" May yelled out.

The crowd watched in awe and amazement. The Ice Beam hit the target; and when the smoke cleared, everyone saw that Banette had fainted. The judges gave X's, signaling that the winner was May.

"Well, everyone, that was quite the stellar battle! And the winner is May of Petalburg City!" Lillian called into her microphone. The audience exploded into a loud mishmash of clapping, cheering, yelling, and whistles.

"That was an amazing battle, May. Those combinations you pulled off were quite the show. I award you the Violet City Contest Ribbon!" One of the judges handed over a purple ribbon.

May and Wartortle bowed to the crowd.

May's P.O.V.

Well, that was a good battle! Wartortle worked very hard, and by teaming up, we won the ribbon! I'm so happy! Once I got back to the dressing room, I undressed and changed back to my regular clothes. I returned Wartortle back to its Poke Ball. I placed the second ribbon I had earned in my ribbon box.

Today, we'll go celebrate!

NEXT CHAPTER: Well, May won! And does a planned celebration go well? And what's May's next destination going to be? Find out.....

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