A Battle Under The Moon

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Drew's P.O.V.

I'm putting almost all my strength into preparing for our battle. I want Roselia to be the best she can be, and perhaps she will evolve into a Roserade, which would be really nice. I'm pretty sure Solidad told May about the area where I train, and hopefully May won't tell anyone else about the place. I'm also hoping that May will train hard.

My sapphire-eyed rival will have to do a lot of training if she wants to beat me. I'm pretty sure she will use Beautifly for the contest. She almost always uses Beautifly, anyway. So time to do some good training.

May's P.O.V.

Instead of using Beautifly for the contest, I'm going to use Blaziken. Its combination of Flamethrower and Sky Uppercut should do nicely in the contest. I tried the combination and sparkles were raining down. The audience will love it! And I'll surprise Drew at the same time. He'll think twice before saying I'm not as good a coordinator as him.

He will have an interesting awakening tonight at our battle.


Drew's P.O.V.

Okay, so we met up at the little cove area at around nine at night. The moon was shining pretty brightly, almost cloaking May and I in its light. The stars kept twinkling promisingly, saying that good weather was in store for the next day.

We first started the battle. I took out Roserade, which it had evolved during training from Roselia. This will be a tougher battle for May. And then I got a big surprise.

Instead of using Beautifly, she was using Blaziken?!?! Blaziken was probably going to be used for the battle portion of the contest, not the move appeal round. But who knows what goes through May's mind?

May called to Blaziken, "Blaziken, use Blaze Kick!"

I called to Roserade, "Roserade, counter it with Petal Dance!"

I saw through the expression on May's face. It said, "You just made a big mistake, Drew. I have another trick up my sleeve."

May called out, "Blaziken, go through that Petal Dance and use Fire Spin!"

I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting her to go through with Blaze Kick. So Roserade got hit hard and it got hit hard again with a powerfully accurate Blaze Kick.

I knew that if Roserade got hit one more time, it was all over. I called to my Pokemon, "Roserade, use Razor Leaf! Then use Petal Dance to follow it up!"

May waited and waited. Until the attacks combined and were headed straight for Blaziken. I noticed one thing about her battle style. It had changed from using luck all the time to using her opponent's attacks to her advantage. She must have learned a thing or two just before we left for Johto.

May all of a sudden called out, "Blaziken, use Flamethrower and try not to make it too powerful, so we can send Petal Dance and Razor Leaf back to Roserade!"

Blaziken did a weak Flamethrower, similar to a very strong Fire Spin. The force of the attack coming from another direction made the Petal Dance and Razor Leaf ricochet back towards Roserade. And there was more danger, as the petals and leaves (they were on fire) and other stray flames of fire were coming toward my Pokemon, so fast that there was barely any time to dodge.

I was starting to get really worried. May usually never won a battle against me. I called out desperately, "Roserade, dodge!"

But it was too late. All the fiery leaves and petals and flames hit Roserade dead on. Roserade fainted. I returned it back to its Poke Ball. I whispered to it, "Good job, Roserade. Now take a good rest."

I realized that I was staring at May, dumbfounded. It was the first time she had ever beat me. My mouth was hanging open. How in Arceus's name did she win?!?!

Then the realization hit me. I underestimated her. That's why. I was overconfident, so sure that May would go with Beautifly. Instead of trying to predict any surprises, I went along with what I was comfortable with. If I kept doing this in all my battles with her, I would lose all of them.

May walked over to me. She waved her hand in front of my face. "Drew? Earth to Drew? Come on, I have to go to sleep soon!" May said softly.

I snapped out of my trance. I faced May, who was outlined in the moonlight, almost like if there was a single beam pointing right down at May. Wow.........she looked........................

Amazing...........It was so beautiful, that I didn't have anything to say. May did something that I wouldn't have expected of her. She slapped me. Hard. Across the face. I almost fell to the ground because of the impact. I held my cheek, which was now burning with pain.

I practically yelled, "May, what did you do that for?!?!?!"

May shrugged and simply answered, "I had to get you out of that trance. I was going to say that you must have trained very well with Roselia, seeing that it evolved into Roserade. I knew you were probably expecting me to go with Beautifly. But instead, I went with Blaziken. I even perfected a great combination. It's Flamethrower and Sky Uppercut. I'll even demonstrate it now!"

May ran back to the other side of the battlefield. She yelled, "Blaziken, use Flamethrower! Then use Sky Uppercut!"

Blaziken followed her commands and in a couple of seconds, little sparkles were floating down from the sky. And the moonlight and the stars made it even more breathtaking. I caught myself again staring at May. What happened to her? Her whole personality had changed, including her battle style. Wow.......she looked so beautiful and she seems like it too.

I snapped out of my daydreaming and walked over to a stretch of soft, green grass. I sat down and gazed up at the moonlit sky, seeing the moon and stars in their glory. I motioned for May to sit down next to me. This felt.....weird.....but it felt good too.....

NEXT CHAPTER: Some secrets may be revealed, but there's a rude interruption. Care to guess who it is? Find out....

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