Going to Johto, part 5 || A Two Coordinators' Night

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Drew's P.O.V.

Harley. Idiotic, weird, a big pain, and I could say so many more names that you don't wanna know about this guy.

After Harley saw May (AGAIN), I was able to get back to my room, but I lost my sleep for that night. Pretty much I was just looking up at the sky, seeing the stars, catching the occasional Pokemon flying or swimming by. Then I heard another knocking. I was already so annoyed with Harley that I really didn't want to see another visitor. Right now, I was just in my boxers, not suitable to go answer the door. I grudgingly put on my pants, forgetting about the shirt. I really just wanted to get the answering over with, then go back to what I was doing.

And I noticed that whoever was knocking on my door was knocking softly, even more softly than what Harley did. So it probably wasn't Harley. I opened the door and blinked. And I regretted not having a shirt on.

It was May, in a nightgown, rubbing her eyes. Embarrassingly, the first thing she noticed about me was that I didn't have a shirt on. Man, I'm so stupid sometimes, I thought to myself.

I began to turn red. Oh Palkia, why couldn't you warp a shirt right on me? I desperately thought.

"Um...Drew? Uh....why don't you have a shirt on?" May asked, starting to blush. "I'll wait here, so you could put on some clothes..." May's voice faded.

"Um, right. I'll go do that. You can come on in, I'll change in the bathroom," I replied, being shy for the first time in my life.

May entered, sitting on my bed. I swiftly found a shirt and to regain some self-esteem, I went on and put on the shirt in the bathroom.

Once I was finished, I came back out. May looked at me blankly, almost like nothing really had happened. I really should have listened to what my mind was saying, not what I felt like doing. I sat down on the other bed across from where my bed was, facing May.

"Well, okay then, Drew. Did you hear about the contest coming up in Goldenrod City?" May asked, rubbing her eyes a second time.

I stared down at the floor for about five seconds and then looked up at her. She looked so much better at night. Wait, did I just say that? Now I wish that Dialga warped time so I didn't say what I just said.

"Oh, that contest? I'm going for it. Are you doing it?" I replied.

"Yeah, I'm planning on doing it. I'm going to train once we get to Johto. The contest's in a week or so. So I'll get some good training in before I try for it." May's answer was short, considering she had a big mouth.

The conversation was pretty short. Then I realized I had to give May something. I looked through my suitcase, finding the important item. "Um, May? I just remembered I had to give this to you," I said, giving her a small box containing some chocolate (she absolutely loves chocolate, but I think she likes it way too much) and another box containing one of my ribbons.

I really don't why I gave her this stuff though. I thought maybe she'd want some luck. Or maybe because....I......wait, I won't say it! My mind is arguing with me. It's saying: You really know why you gave her the chocolate and the ribbon....that's because you...

I yelled in my mind: I really don't! You're wrong!! I just gave it to her for luck, that's all. We're just friends!

But of course, my mind always argued back. But you probably get the idea. When I handed the chocolate and the ribbon to her, I blushed. And in very few circumstances have I ever blushed. Extremely few.

"What is it, Drew?" May asked me.

Just to go with the flow, I answered, "Open it. You'll see."

May's P.O.V.

I opened the first box Drew gave me. It had some chocolate inside. My mind started to go haywire. I loved chocolate!! I wanted to eat it right then, but I knew it wasn't such a great idea at the time. I closed the chocolate box and opened the other box. It had a ribbon inside. I instantly realized that this was one of Drew's ribbons. And there was a note enclosed. But Drew said, "May, read the note in your room. It's better that you read it there, so you could think about it."

I nodded and closed the ribbon box. I got up off the bed and softly said, "Good night, Drew.."

Drew nodded back, saying, "Good night, May."

NEXT CHAPTER: How does May react to the note?

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