Chapter 41

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Liam's POV

I chased after the black figure, gasping for breath. Every single time it seemed like he was within my reach, he would pick up speed and escape my clutches. He turned around the corners expertly, narrowly avoiding me. 

With a startling realisation, I stopped abruptly. Whoever this person was, he knew the compound very well. A little bit too well for me. 

I turned around to the next corner expecting the black figure to be out of sight but to my surprise, he was standing there. Just standing. In a creepy way.

His face was completely hooded, not allowing even a bit of light to pass through. I watched with bated breath and confusion as he lifted up his hand. All five of his fingers were up.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

With that, he turned on his heel sharply and fled. 

Wait what? 

I grunted with annoyance. I couldn't chase after him anymore. I had to get back to Chloe no matter what. I couldn't have her dying. 

Within a matter of a few minutes, I was back in the room where I had left Chloe. I almost cried out in joy when I saw that she was still in the room. Rushing to her side, I check her pulse. She was unconscious and her skin was extremely pale and cold to the touch. 

My brows furrowed in worry. She seemed so weak and fragile. 

I noticed something glinting in the palm of her hand. Turning her palm, I noticed a bullet drop out. She must have fished it out in the time I was gone. 

However, even though the bullet was taken out, her wound was still open. 

What happened?

Working quickly, I rip off a part of my shirt, wrapping it around her wound. Even though the piece of fabric was stained with blood, it would help to control her bleeding. I had to get her out of here. 

I scooped her into my arms. making sure that the bandage I had wrapped around her didn't fall off. Satisfied with my work, I put up another illusion over us before walking out the door. 

I turned around. Our mission was over. Finally. After years of working, we did it. I let out a shaky breath. This was it. We could finally be free. 

I walked away from the bloodied room, leaving behind our old lives. The two us, Chloe and I would start a new life. We'll attain peace for ourselves, I thought, with determination.

As I got closer to the surface, I started seeing signs of fights. Crimson blood was splattered on the walls and bodies lay on the ground. I tread carefully, not wanting to step on any of the bodies. I strode past one of the bodies, freezing in my tracks when I heard someone speak. 

"Who's there? Show yourself!" 

I turned around and was met with a man looking about frantically. 

You don't need to know who I am.

Ignoring him, I made my way back up. Signs of a gruesome battle started appearing even more. Once I got to the surface, I could hear Jax and his sister as well as their people conversing among one another. 

I inched closer. 

"What do you mean Chloe can't be contacted or found?!" Jax demanded. 

"Brother, you should calm down. We'll organise a search party for her soon," Jadaline insisted with desperation. 

"But she could be dying right now!" He exclaimed. 

At that, I hastily looked down. Chloe seemed to be recovering well. She felt more warm and colour was returning to her skin.

I muttered a quick apology, "Thank you for your kind hospitality, Jax and Jadaline. Our old lives end here now with you. We're sorry to leave you but it has to be done. I no longer want Chloe to deal with this kind of shady businesses." 

I trekked back to our hideout which was about an hour away from the compound. Chloe was still unconscious so I laid her down on the floor and went to clean myself up. 

After cleaning up, I headed back to where Chloe was.

Panic erupted within me when she was nowhere in sight. I cursed under my breath and started looking for her. 

"Dammit, where could she have gone?" I muttered. I followed the trail of blood which was on the floor. I presumed it was hers and that her wound hadn't healed up yet when she moved. 

Desperately, I followed the trail of blood. My mind was in a state of panic and disorder. I cursed again when the trail of blood ended near a body of water. I was about to head back when I heard a rustle.

Alarmed, I turned back, scanning the trees. I heard another rustle. This time, it was behind me. 

I was swept on to the ground, knocking my breath out of me. I opened my eyes up to find Chloe staring at me with a mischievous grin. 

"Got you!" 

I groaned and relaxed. 

"Where were you? I was worried sick!" 

She looked at me with a sheepish face, "Sorry? I was really thirsty and wanted to clean myself, alright? Chill for a bit Liam." 

I sighed. "Come on, you're still soaked with water. You're going to catch a cold."

"So is it really over? Is our mission finally completed?" Chloe questioned. 

I nodded grimly. 

"Starting today, we're going far away from here. We'll start a new life, the two of us together."

Chloe looked at me with a strange look in her eyes. 

"Alright," was all she replied. 

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