Chapter 30

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We found a small clearing in the forest where we stacked up the clues. Liam was prepared to set them on fire.

"Step back for a moment Chloe," said Liam.

I nodded and stood a few feet away from him.

Kneeling down, he lit up a match stick and set the ground on fire.


If he did, we would probably be dead. He set the clues aflame and he stepped backwards as well, standing beside me. We watched with wide eyes as the fire rose and rose, not once stopping. Alarmed, I looked at Liam.

"Liam? What the-" I was interrupted when he nudged me, signalling me to look at the fire standing before us.

"Holy shit," I muttered under my breath. The fire had burned out leaving a huge hole. Not a hole in the ground, a hole in the freaking air! A hole wouldn't even describe it, it was more like a massive gateway into a new world.

I was blown away. What kind of sorcery was this?

"So? You think we should go in there?" asked Liam.

"I suppose? My mind can't even handle this right now. What is going on?"

"I think that burning the clues was some sort of activation that would create this. My best guess is that the clues activated this portal and this will lead us to Celeste Lily."

"Are you not, like, shocked by this? I am so baffled right now, how on Earth do you just activate a portal?! And where will this bring us?" I exclaimed.

Liam chuckled, "I am astounded as well. I guess our questions will be answered once we step through."

He held out his hand to me, waiting for me to grab it. I took his hand and let him lead the way. We stepped through and I was overcome with a sense of weightlessness. It felt as if there was no gravity and we were just floating. Not only that, it felt as though I was nothing. I couldn't feel anything and it felt like I had no body at all.

We were engulfed in a dark cloak of pure darkness. I could see nothing, not even my hands. There was not any shred of light inside.

Is this how blindness feels like? I wondered to myself. If so, it was pretty horrible, there was no colour. Nothing at all. It was horrible, being in constant darkness, it felt so suffocating. Suddenly, I saw light in the far distance.

It was minuscule, barely there to begin with. That light started coming closer and closer.

Wait no.

It was coming towards me, it was becoming bigger and bigger such that it swallowed me. I shut my eyes at the sudden blinding light. I felt the light dim and I finally opened my eyes once I felt my feet back on the ground.

The first thing I see? A bunch of burly men surrounding me and Liam with weapons.

Uh oh, where the hell did we end up? They were clearly hostile by the way they held their weapons. I gritted my teeth. Let's blame Liam for landing us here.

I saw one of them break free from their circle and charge towards us. Unfortunately, I only brought my knives and not my swords. If I wanted to get out of here alive, I would have to use my knives to their fullest potential.

Liam stepped forward and blocked off the one who charged towards us. Scrutinizing them, I realised with terror that they had ranged weapons. Now we really were screwed.

Out of the corner of my eye, another burly man dashed towards me. In this fight, their big sizes gave us an advantage. Smirking slightly, I crouched and knocked him off his feet with my knives. Using the hilt of the knife, I delivered a blow to his head swiftly, knocking him out.

That was when all hell broke loose.

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