Chapter 37

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"Is everyone in position?" 

A chorus of "Yes!" echoed through my earpiece. 

"Commencing Operation: Infiltration! Your goal is to rescue those creatures. Let nothing be in the way of achieving that!" 

"I'm moving in," I whispered into my microphone. 

Getting the clearance from Jax, I sneak into the sidelines waiting for our Frontliners to break through their primary defense. 

Those taking part in the operation were separated into small groups. Our illusionists were putting up an illusion to prevent the officials from detecting us but we all knew that it wouldn't last for long. 

Being government officials, they were sure to have the best sensers which meant the moment they sensed our abilities, we had to fight. 

I turned my gaze onto the huge compound lying in front of us. It was hidden well despite its large size and there were plenty of guards roaming the grounds. From my position, I could tell that their sensers had already detected us and now they were running about frenzied.

This was our chance to attack while they were still disorganised. 

Raising his hand, Theo bended his four fingers, signalling the Frontliners to attack. Our Frontliners leapt from their positions and charged towards the compound, swiftly attacking the guards.

Unfortunately, they did cause a small commotion which was sure to bring about the attention of the other guards. I sighed in annoyance. They could have at least been a little quieter. After another signal, our imitators quickly took on the form of the fallen guards. 

Watching imitators take on another form was always a sight for me. I never really got used to it.

Up next was the Heaters. They were positioned outside the compound as they were generally weaker than the Frontliners and they could easily be ambushed or attacked. Using their ability, they burned a small entryway that wasn't easily visible. 

This was our cue. The group I was with were assassins. I was chosen because of my skills if not I would probably be in the medical station. There were five of us and another five who were supports. Each of us were given supports to boost our abilities. 

I was glad that I had a support as this would make my healing ability much more faster and my resistor ability would be much more stronger. We weren't given the best supports of course. They were out on the compound, supporting the Frontliners and the Illusionists. 

It was a sham that I didn't get a powerful supporter but what could I do? Better to have one instead of none. Double checking my weapons one more time, I jumped onto the ground. 

Raising my hand, I bent my four fingers as Theo had done. On the signal, we sprinted towards the compound, our feet crunching on the leaves. We were swift and agile, like proper assassins, moving too fast for anyone to pinpoint our location. 

We slowed down a bit when the entryway came into our view and did a quick headcount. After reporting our status to Jax, we made our way in, being cautious of any traps or guards walking about. 

We were in charge of taking out the stronger guards in the lower levels of the compounds where the creatures were being held hostage. 

"Chloe, not to alarm you but remember Felix and Dan? Their trackers are just ahead of you, be careful alright?" Liam said into my earpiece. 

My eyes widened. I knew they were involved with the government! The corridor ahead of us was dark and it was hard to see what was beyond it. I looked at it suspiciously. 

That was when we heard footsteps echoing through the corridor. I looked at the rest of the assassins worriedly. 

"Whatever happens, listen to my commands only. Got it?" I demanded sternly. 

The rest of them nodded vigorously. 

A pair of feet came into light. I frowned in confusion. Who was this person? His face and body were still hidden by the darkness. I stared at the feet with bated breath and waited for the person to emerge. 

However it was the last person I was expecting. 

"Theo?!" I exclaimed in confusion. 

All eight of my comrades rushed towards him. I stuck my hand out when my supporter tried to leave my side as well. 

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be fighting up on the compound?" One of them asked. 

Theo smiled sheepishly, "Our team were quite fast so we already made our way down. I was just about to come find you guys." 

I looked at him through narrowed eyes. If Theo and his team were down there, we would have been informed of it. Now that I thought about it, our connection with Jax had been cut off. 

"Hello? Jax, are you still there?" I repeated into the microphone. The assassins and the supporters turned to look at me, "What's wrong?" 

I was about to speak when I saw two beams of red lights cut through all eight of them. 


I looked up and came face to face with Felix and Dan. Theo was nowhere to be seen. 

I smacked myself mentally. Of course! Liam had mentioned that Felix and Dan were ahead of us. How could I not have realised that sooner? And now eight of my comrades were lying on the floor, injured and groaning in pain. 

I couldn't heal them yet, that would just give the two of them to attack me. 

"Well well well, look where we meet again," said Felix with a sinister look in his eyes,

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