Chapter 34

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Chloe's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache. I tried moving my body only to feel my muscles moan with the exertion. Confused, I looked down at my body, with no wounds in sight. 

What happened?

Struggling slightly, I push myself to sit upright. Looking around, I realised that there was no one in sight and I was sitting on a bed. The room I was in was beautiful, with abstract paintings hung on the wall. 

To my right, there was a simple wooden dresser with a vase filled with lilac flowers. Right in front of the bed was a set of doors. 


I quickly stood up, running to the door when my legs suddenly gave out beneath me. I fell to the floor with a loud thud. Wincing at the sudden blow, I tried to stand up again but it was a futile attempt. Why was my body acting this way?

That was when I heard footsteps rushing towards the room I was in. I started to panic, I had to get out of here, who knew what kind of people had captured me?

The door burst open and I felt myself being lifted up. I looked up, only to find Liam staring at me. I felt myself relax when I realised that it was Liam and not some crazy person. 

Out of its own accord, my eyes started to flutter shut. The last thing I heard was Liam muttering, "Damn you Chloe, for always making me worry about you so much." 

I woke up again and this time Liam was by my side, gently stroking my hair. Smiling softly, I leaned into his touch. 

So warm and comforting, I thought to myself.

"Oh, are you awake now? Here, have some food and replenish your body," Liam handed me a platter of breads and cheeses. 

That was when I realised that I was absolutely ravenous. I grabbed some of the bread and tore it so small pieces, tossing each one into my house. 

"This tastes amazing," I said while stuffing my mouth with food. Liam looked at me in amusement while shaking his head at my behavior. I stilled when he suddenly brought his hands up in front of me. 

Leaning forward, he brought his hand up to my mouth while I stood there frozen, not knowing what he was going to do. 

"There's crumbs around your mouth," he stated while brushing them off. 

I could feel my face heat up when he made contact with my skin. I knew that he would be able to see me blush so I quickly scuttled back a bit and changed the subject. 

"So where are we?" I asked, trying to distract him.

Liam sat opposite me, his head cocked to the side while he stared at me intently. 

"Uh, Liam? Helloooo?" I waved my arms in front of his face to get him out of whatever trance he was in. 

Blinking rapidly, he rubbed his head sheepishly, "Sorry about that, I was just thinking about something else." 

I shrugged in response and continued eating while Liam explained what had happened in the time that I had been unconscious.

"Well, let's see. You were unconscious, practically on the verge of death, because you were too stubborn to heal yourself," he started. I looked at him pointedly when he mentioned that I was too stubborn to heal myself. 

Ignoring me, he continued speaking, "After that, I happened to meet a healer who healed you. We're currently in her house right now." 

I held up my hand to interrupt him, "I suppose the healer is Celeste Lily?" 

Liam snapped his fingers, "Bingo! Yes, it is her." 

"Can I meet her now?" I could hardly contain my excitement. Meeting Celeste was my dream, something that I had been working for years. 

"She'll be here soon to check on you so just wait a bit, alright?" 

I nodded enthusiastically. 

I did meet Celeste a few hours later. She was absolutely ravishing and I was instantly envious of her looks. I did wonder if Liam was attracted to her as well but I quickly shook that thought away, knowing that we had already broken whatever we had in the past.

I did find out that we were in a different dimension and that time ran slower here than on Earth. I explained why I had wanted to find Celeste Lily so urgently, explaining our plan to take down the World Union Association and to save the other Reliths. 

Surprisingly, Celeste was very willing to offer her assistance which I accepted gratefully. We had about two and a half weeks left to prepare for Jax's infiltration and Liam and I had to be prepared by then or we would be screwed. 

Liam and I planned to learn as much as we both could in the time that we had left. Liam had already started while I would continue healing for a few more days. 


Author's note

I am so sorry for not updating sooner, I went camping for a few days and couldn't update and I also had to finish up my school homework before updating again. On the other hand, this book is coming to an end soon! I wasn't planning to have a happy ending because I would be writing a sequel but school is starting in two weeks so I won't be able to update as much so there will be a happy ending for this book. However, I might be writing the sequel, who knows? 

If I don't, I should be writing a new book, ahh I have so many different ideas that I can't upload right now but I will be writing some of my favorite ones!

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