Chapter 23

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Startled, I whirled. I looked at her in disbelief. What was she talking about? I inched closer to her and listened to her ramblings. 

"Jax...the government..everything falls....must be...stopped."

I looked at her in utter confusion. What? I slowly backed away from her and headed outside. I decided to go for a run to clear my head. I would talk to Daphne later. I jogged all the way until I heard a stream. I wasn't that far away from camp so I decided to practise a bit. Closing my eyes, I raised my hand and formed a shield around me and slowly extended it. 

I was trying to test my limit and so I continued, taking short breaks when I felt like I was about to collapse. I turned around abruptly when I felt something prick my shield. 


I quickly rushed back to Liam and Daphne who were luckily already up and about. They were packing up when I reached them. "We need to go now! I felt something attack my shield a few moments ago." I said in between breaths. Just then we heard a howl from the forest. 

"I don't think we have anything to worry about. Probably just a wild wolf. Who knows, we could have it for lunch later," suggested Liam. 

I squeezed my eyes. "No. It could be an imitator. It was a heater who attacked my shield. The heater was quite strong as well. He managed to put a dent on my shield and I had to repair it fast or he would have gotten through. If what we just heard really is an imitator, that means that he and the heater are allies but he could be a relith as well." 

"Well? What should we do now?" Daphne asked.

"How about we ambush them?" I suggested. Liam turned to me sharply, "Are you out of your mind? We could get into trouble!" 

I shrugged nonchalantly, "Well, what other plan do you have?" Liam's shoulders sagged in defeat.


Daphne clapped her hands in excitement and she received questioning glances from Liam and I. 

"I finally get to do something fun!" 

"Yeah, no. You're going to hide. You might just pull us down." 

Daphne let out a frustrated sigh. 

"I agree with Liam, you never took your training seriously and you might just end up being a hostage." 

She groaned before crossing her arms. I turned to Liam and we started preparing for the ambush. 

After a few moments, we were ready. "Are you ready Liam?" 

He nodded and casted an illusion. Now it was my turn. I retracted my shield and stood there, waiting for someone to pass through. We didn't have to wait long to hear footsteps approaching us. I quirked my eyebrow at Liam. Who was in the wrong huh? 

"Shit man, I'm hungry as hell. Can't we just kill an animal or something?"

I turned towards the source of the voice. There were two of them. The shorter one was complaining about hunger while the taller one... My eyes widened in recognition. It was the guy from the cave! I narrowed my eyes, were they following us?

He was searching for Celeste Lily and he would only be here so close to us if he was following us. I was suspicious. Could it be a coincidence that it was the third time I had met him? 

I turned to Liam who was already staring at me. I gave him a curt nod and he tackled the taller guy while I dived straight for the shorter guy. A few minutes later, we had tied them up with rope. Surprisingly, they didn't put up much fight and this made me even more suspicious. The last time I saw that guy, his Heater ability was weak and suddenly he can almost break through my shield?

There was something suspicious going on here. 

"Well well well, nice to meet you both again," said the taller guy, staring straight at me. "I'll introduce myself and my dear friend over here. I'm Felix and this one next to me is Dan." 

I narrowed my eyes. Felix seemed way too calm despite being tied up and his friend beside him was eyeing me with a toothy grin. Creepy much? I decided to ask Felix some questions. I was very unsettled by their presence. 

"So Felix, I assume Dan here is an imitator?"  I saw surprise flicker in his eyes before it vanished.

Felix shook his head, "There are many wolves in this area , it is simply one of those wolves." 

I scrutinised him. "Aha! I didn't mention anything about a wolf did I?" 

"You're dumber than you look. If we heard a wolf, you probably did as well." Felix denied. 

"No, YOU are dumber than you look. Wolves aren't active during this time in the morning. Moreover, the howl came from the direction you came in and there is no way you can outrun a wolf much less a pack so why are the two of you unharmed?" 

I could tell that Daphne and Liam were amused by this exchange. It was clear by the smiles they had on their faces. I sent Liam a pleading look for help. He gently shook his head at me with a small chuckle. That bastard. 

I sighed and looked back at our two prisoners.

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