Chapter 15

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Running stealthily towards my target, I motioned to the three people behind me to be quiet. With my target in sight, I crept up to it and cradled it in my hands. It was a small baby fox who had tried to defend itself from wolves that had been hunting. I knew this because another skill that I learnt was that I could find what had caused the injuries on a person. Very handy when deciding how to patch up animals especially. 

I placed my hand on the whining fox and calmed it down before healing its wounds. Warmth rushed from my hand straight into the fox, engulfing it in my aura. The fox's whines silenced. I opened my eyes and smiled. It had healed and looked better than before. I put down the little fox and it bounded away.

I turned to face the three people behind. "And that is how you find someone that is injured or in this case, an animal." I grinned.

All three of them stared at me in awe. Leslie was the first one to speak.

"That was freaking awesome!" She exclaimed. I chuckled. Her excitement was really contagious. I had already taught them how to find an injured target and now I had just shown them a demonstration. 

"Now it's your turn." 

I motioned for them to go ahead, I had already sensed an injured bird that was near us so locating it wouldn't be too hard for them. There were definitely more targets but they were too far for the three of them to detect yet. This skill took a lot of effort and practice.

Thirty minutes had passed and still none of them had detected the bird. I waited patiently and helped them when needed. I guided them through the whole thing and soon enough, after another 15 minutes, Brea had managed to detect the bird.

She rushed straight to the bird and we all followed behind. Brea was inspecting the bird's injuries and said that the bird had fractured it's leg and wings.

"We can't heal this. We haven't learnt how to heal bones." 

I nodded in understanding. I took the bird from Brea and taught them the basics of healing a fracture. 

"When you want to heal a fracture, you need to do it the old fashioned way first." I started. "You need to make sure that the bone is not protruding or anything of the sort and snap it into place." With that, I snapped the leg bone and wings into place. The bird let out a loud squawk at the sudden pain. I cooed at the bird, trying to calm it down.

"Then you can use your ability to start healing the fracture. As the bone is already in place, you just need to use your ability to heal any broken blood vessels or nerve inside the affected area."

I let the warmth within me to escape again right into the blades of the wings and soon the bird took flight. I waved goodbye to the little bird. "Right, that is all for tonight. Good job Brea on detecting the bird and well done to the two of you as well. Detecting is a skill that takes a lot of time and practice so don't worry about getting it on the first try." I smiled at them. 

We returned back to the main house and immediately slept, knowing that we had to start training tomorrow early. 

Waking up, I quickly freshened up and started training. I went to check up on Theo after training and he seemed to be recovering just fine. I did apologise a few times for almost killing him. I'm not heartless, I did harbor guilt for what I did to him. During our shift, I did teach Brea,Les and Xander some new skills without Scott noticing. 

Of course if he found out, he would start raging at us and possibly fire us. Because of the fact that we didn't really have anything to do, the four of us would often go for coffee breaks where I would teach them more skills. We were making use of all the time we had and I could tell that the three of them were really enthusiastic about learning new things. 

"Hey guys, do you mind if I go somewhere for a bit? I'll be right back, I promise." I asked the three of them. They nodded in agreement and I quickly smiled at them before excusing myself.I walked along the hallways until I found the place I was looking for.

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