Chapter 38

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I gritted my teeth. In front of me, Felix was more of a threat than Dan was. Dan seemed unarmed so I asked my supporter to take care of him. I'll handle Felix. 

Unsheathing my daggers, I charged towards Felix, dodging his heat beams. Going closer to him, I lifted my daggers, preparing to strike him. 


The sharp sound of metal against metal rang out. Felix had drawn his own knives and had blocked my attack. I jumped backwards before advancing on him again. 

I was persistent, not halting any of my attacks. Each time, he seemed to dodge every one of my daggers while smirking. Seeing that expression on his face just seemed to anger me, giving me a burst of adrenaline. 

I backed up, trying to get some distance between us and to regain my breath. I breathed heavily, sweat dripping down my forehead. I had cuts and wounds all over my arms and legs and so did Felix. 

Calling upon my ability, I heal myself, gaining more strength as I do so. Felix saw this moment as a chance to strike and his heat beams started coming towards me. Watching with wide eyes, I called upon my resistor barrier as well. 

Using two abilities at the same time was never advisable, it just kept draining you of energy. I couldn't afford to lose any more energy or else I wouldn't be able to fight him. 

I charged towards him, gaining more speed and jumped over him. He clearly wasn't expecting me to do that as his face turned into an expression of shock. 

I used the element of surprise to throw my daggers towards him. If he had been expecting me to to combat him again, he was wrong. I realised that he was too good at blocking every one of my attempts so I decided to come up with another way. 

He dodged the first dagger that flew towards him by ducking. Unfortunately the second dagger was thrown lower than the first one and when he ducked, the second dagger hit him right in his upper stomach.

He let out a strangled growl before collapsing on his knees. I unsheathed my sword and placed it at his neck, the tip of it just barely grazing his skin making a little bit of blood drip out. 

"Tell me who's involved in this!" I demanded sharply. 

He gave me a sly smile before lowering his eyes. I rolled my eyes and pressed the sword into his neck further, making more blood drip out. He let out a gurgled noise but yet he refused to answer to me. 

I hadn't realised he had moved his hands until he shoved me and placed his knife at my neck while grinning manically. I gulped in fear, knowing that my life was now resting on his hands. 

"Look how the tables have turned," he sneered. "Should I keep you as a pet instead? You seem too pretty to be killed. don't you think?" 

"I would rather die than be near you," I spat out. His eyes darkened and he swiftly grabbed my hair, pulling it harshly. I winced in pain when my neck suddenly snapped backwards. Felix drew the knife closer to my neck. My breathing had become more ragged now, fearing what was going to happen next. 

His knife dug into my skin and I could feel the blood trickling down my neck, leaving a wet sensation behind. 

His eyes widened and he let out a sharp gasp. A sword was being driven through his chest and blood was seeping through his shirt. The blade was wedged so deep, the blade barely seemed to touch me. 

Felix lost his grip on the knife and I quickly scrambled away. He fell forward, the sword still sticking out of him. I look up to see my supporter standing before me. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you for saving me," I said gratefully.

"Don't worry about it, I'm here to help you remember? Besides, the guy I just fought was pretty weak anyways," she shrugged. 

I stood up and looked at our comrades lying around us. Not so engrossed in the battle anymore, I could smell the scent of burnt flesh. I gagged at the smell, its unpleasantness drifting through my nose.

I turned to my supporter, "I might need your help to heal all of them."

She nodded in response and gave me her hand. Taking it, I could instantly feel her ability flowing to me. It felt like a small stream of energy making the ability within me swell incredibly until I felt like I was going to burst. 

Working quickly, I did a mass healing so that I could heal all of them faster. In no time, they were up and about, chastising themselves for being so careless and thanking me profusely afterwards.

The corridor we were walking in started to gently slope. It wasn't noticeable at first but you could feel it after a while. 

"Do you think they're locked up in dungeons?" someone whispered. 

A reply came a few seconds later, "I dunno." 

As we ventured farther down, the lighting got even dimmer and dimmer until we could see nothing at all. 

"We probably should have brought a Telescopic here," I muttered. "Their night vision would have been perfect."

I could hear everyone else humming in agreement. 

  "It feels as if there's no end to this," someone pointed out.  

"Either way, let's continue. There's got to be lights at the end of this," I continued.

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