Chapter 9

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I slipped on the gown, making sure not to rip anything in the process. I entered the bathroom once again where the vanity table was placed. I opened up a drawer filled with make up. I grinned in excitement. This is going to be so much fun! After ten minutes of trying to apply make up properly, I gave up. I looked like a clown and there was absolutely no way I looked presentable. Disappointed, I removed the make up and settled for a lip tint that made my lips look more lively. I smiled once more at my reflection, who knew I could look pretty when I was a girl who lived in forests for majority of her life?

The smile faded from my face. My mind wandered back to the make up. Girls and women by now must have become a professional by now, I've seen them walking with each other, their faces perfectly flawless. How much of our childhood had we missed? There was no way we would ever fit in with people of our age group. We were too different, we weren't like them. I pushed those thoughts away, this would be our first social interaction with a crowd and we surely can't disappoint them. 

Taking one last look in the mirror, I smiled once more and entered my bedroom again. I rummaged through the drawers and under the bed. I searched everywhere. Eyeing a sewing kit, I moved towards it and opened it and there it was, a small dagger. I shouted in triumph. A weapon to defend myself with! I's not taking any chances with these people. I quickly strapped it onto my thigh where no one would see it and patiently sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for someone to tell me when the party would begin.

Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die. What am I?

Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die. What am I?  

Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die. What am I? 

 Feed me and I live, give me a drink and I die. What am I?

I repeated the riddle continuously, thinking, wondering what the answer was. What drink was poisonous?  Give me a drink and I die.  A knock sounded on my door and my head shot up at being interrupted. "Look's like it's time." I muttered to myself as I stood up.

Taking a deep breathe, I opened the door to a smiling Jax. I frowned. Smiling Jax was quite a sight. He looked absolutely dashing in his immaculate black suit. Had it not been for the fact that I had a mission at hand, I would have totally hit on him. On that thought, I giggled slightly , leaving Jax to look at me in confusion.

He held out his arm and I gave him a small smile before sliding my arm through his. Never would I have thought that I would be here, holding a stranger's arm and walking to a party for me. "Where's Liam?" I asked. "My sister is escorting Liam to the party. Do not worry, he is in good hands." 

I scoffed. "Was that some kind of reassurance to convince me that your sister isn't someone who is incapable of taking care of my best friend? And wait, you have a sister?" Jax's mouth tugged upwards into a small smile. "Yes, I do have a sister. Why is it of importance to you?" 

"Nothing, I guess. I was just surprised, you never did mention you had a sister."

Jax looked down at me, "I never saw the need to inform you that I have a sister and we've only known each other for a few hours and I don't think I should divulge my personal information to a stranger."

I nodded thoughtfully in response, agreeing that he was in fact correct that we were complete strangers. We halted in front of a huge set of double doors. One thing I had failed to notice was that the interior of the house was beautiful and very classy. I hadn't seen the exterior but I bet my life that it was probably as glamorous as the interior.

Jax nodded at the man standing beside the door and the doors flung open. The first thing I noticed? Everyone's eyes on me. I fidgeted slightly, uncomfortable at the sudden attention that everyone gave us. Jax obviously felt my unease and squeezed my hand slightly as a form of reassurance. He pulled me forward and climbed up the stairs to a small stage that had been set up. 

He walked up to the podium with such grace and confidence and I swear I could literally hear the thoughts of the women present. Seems like he's very popular among the ladies, I said to myself.

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen."

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