Chapter 18

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I shut the door behind me quietly and gazed at the room in front of me. The room was the exact contradiction of what I would expect Jax's room to look like. It was absolutely spotless and clean. Not only that, it was organised and everything in his room seemed to have a purpose. He didn't have any unnecessary room decoration.

His walls were the colour of ash. Not that kind of ash that was black, it was a beautiful grey ash that had a cool ambience to the room. I saw Jax step out of the shadows and that was when I realised I had been so engrossed in looking around his room that I had completely forgotten that Jax was there. 

"Do you like my room? It usually isn't like this. I cleaned up a bit just for you." He gave me a small grin and walked towards me, taking my hand in his. I was too shocked to move my hand away from his. Strangely, it felt comforting.

He led me to the set of doors that led to the balcony. He pushed open the doors for me and my mouth gaped open at the sight before me. His balcony was way more spacious than mine and in front me, there was a table beautifully decorated with flowers and candles which gave a slight warmth, considering that it was pretty cold there. 

Jax guided me to one of the chairs and pulled it out for me, motioning for me to sit down. I sat down and continued looking around in awe. The view was simply breathtaking and I couldn't keep my eyes off it. 

Jax cleared his throat to get my attention and I turned back to him. I gave a small smile and said, "Sorry, the view is really beautiful up here." 

"It's all right. I, uh didn't know what kind of food you would like so I got us chicken. Is that fine? I mean, we can get something else." He said, stuttering a little. 

I shook my head gently, "No, no, it's alright, I like chicken anyways." 

He let out a big sigh of relief. We made some small talk for a few minutes with him mostly asking about how it was at the main house. A servant brought up our dinner and I had to say, it was great but I was absolutely ravenous and I was still hungry. 

I of course didn't bring it up, I didn't want to seem so rude after the dinner he had brought out for me. We continued making small talk and I found out more about him and his life. We were suddenly interrupted by a loud growling. I froze immediately, crossing my fingers that it wasn't my stomach. I squeezed my eyes, oh what an embarrassment. 

I heard the same growl coming again and it seemed to be coming from...My eyes widened in realisation. I looked up at Jax to see him already looking at me sheepishly. I let out a small laugh. I was really amused by the situation at hand. 

"I'm sorry, I'm still hungry and that meal didn't seem to be enough." He stated. I nodded in understanding, not really knowing what to do. 

I heard Jax murmuring in frustration, "Fuck it, I'm getting more food." He got up and turned to me, "Are you still hungry? I'll get us some food."

I raised my eyes to his, giving him a sheepish look, "Honestly, yes I am still hungry." 

He smiled broadly before fleeing from the room and in a few minutes he returned with a few boxes and some soda in his hands. I let out a squeak of glee when I realised he had brought pizza. Hell yes! 

I helped him carry the boxes back into his room and I settled down comfortably on his couch while he played a movie. The movie was really great and I had to admit, he had a pretty good taste for movies, I thought it was going to be some boring old movie about men just fighting. 

The movie was a thriller that was about international spies who were all trying to deceive one another to get information and it was pretty hilarious watching them all fail. I found myself enjoying the company of Jax a lot. He was really easy going and entertaining and we had certainly become closer in a matter of few hours. We also did find out more about each other like how much he hated bugs.

I snorted when he told me how he had once been covered in bugs while he was asleep in the forest during a mission. Apparently, he had jumped out of his sleeping bag in his boxers and ran all the way to a stream and jumped straight in. 

I could imagine him doing that and I burst out laughing. 

It was getting quite late when he turned to me. 

"Can I ask you something?" 

"You just did." I pointed out.

"Fine, can I ask another question?"

"You just did again," I said, letting out a small laugh. 

He groaned. "Well, you see, we are having an event pretty soon where our allies meet up to discuss our mission soon. The thing is, I need a date."

I looked at him in confusion. "And? Who are you going to ask?"

He took a deep breath and said, "Will you be my date for the event?" 

I looked at him in shock. "Urm, of course." I let out a small nervous laugh. I was definitely not expecting him to ask me to be his date. I was curious as to why he would ask me when other girls would jump at the chance of being his date and they were so much more better looking than I was. 

His response? 

"They're clingy."

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