Chapter 28

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Jax narrowed his eyes at me. "What were you doing in Liam's room?"

"I..urm was just popping in to check on him. Why are you here anyway?"

"I needed to talk to Liam regarding our mission," said Jax.

"Ah, I see. Well, I guess I'll take my leave now?" It came out more of an awkward question and I swiftly turned and fled the hallway, leaving Jax staring at me in confusion. Once I got to the dining hall, I stopped to catch my breath.

Wait hold on, why would I be scared of Jax's reaction if I exited Liam's room? I groaned, this was why I chose not to involve myself in romance. It was all too confusing and one wrong mistake could make everything crumble apart. Just like what happened two years ago. Flashbacks started running through my mind and I squeezed my eyes shut, trying not to remember what happened.


I was sitting with his arms around me. I leaned into him, his body wrapping me in a cushion filled with heat. It was snowing and we had been caught in a snowstorm.

"These past few days have been a bit hectic huh? With so much going on...." I trailed off. I could feel his chest vibrate as he laughed.

"I guess you could say that. In this world where we only have each other, I've come to rely on you a lot. I always thought you would never see me as anyone else except your brother. Although now I'm glad that you see me as a lover instead of an overbearing brother."

I smiled to myself, "I have to admit though, I've always had a little crush on you since we were young and the fact that we're together now, it almost seems surreal."

I looked up and met the piercing eyes of Liam, staring down at me.

End of flashback

My eyes flew open in shock. No,no,no. This can't happen again.

Taking a deep breath, I took a seat at the table and ate breakfast. If I were to bring breakfast to Liam. there was a high chance that Jax would still be there. I sat there, pondering about both Liam and Jax.

I entered Liam's room again, making sure that no one saw me. "Here's your sandwich, I got you a coffee as well," I said, handing Liam his breakfast.

"Thanks a lot Chloe," he said, ripping apart the sandwich wrapping.

I chuckled at his eagerness to eat breakfast. I headed towards his desk and worked on the remaining clues. Liam and I solved two of the clues which meant that we only had two more to solve. We were still waiting for a reply from Daphne and until then, Liam and I were formulating our plan to overtake the World Union.

After an hour, I stood up and stretched my arms. Liam was still working on the new weapons and I had to get to training. I looked at Liam and I was yet again reminded of what we used to be. I swore under my breath and walked out of his room, mumbling a quick goodbye to Liam.

I stopped by my room to get changed and met Brea in the training field.

"Where's Leslie and Xander?" I asked while doing some stretches.

"Leslie still getting breakfast but I have no idea where Xander is," she replied. I nodded and got ready to spar with Brea. We often dueled together and she was always taking the opportunity to improve.

We circled one another, looking for any defenseless spots. Spotting one, I rushed forward and darted her oncoming attack. Wrong move, I thought. Now that she was distracted, I took the opportunity to attack her weak spot which was her legs.

She was only defending her upper body and left her legs vulnerable to any attack. I lunged forward, using my weapon to knock her off her feet. It worked!

Brea lay on the ground, grumbling about how I was too skilled for her. I grinned and held out my arm for her which she took.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I still don't understand how you're so good at almost everything," she replied, breathlessly.

"I'm an alien, that's why," I said sarcastically.

Brea burst into laughter, "If you were an alien, you wouldn't be this pretty. You'll probably be like a huge mass of sludge that is disgustingly green in colour."

I giggled at her awful description of an alien.

"I'll go freshen up alright? See you at the infirmary?" Brea questioned.

"Yeah sure," I nodded in response before turning away and waving at her.

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