"Come on I know where we can go and wait for my, very attractive hybrid boyfriend." Mia said and the two gaged.

Rebekah snapped Stephan's neck and closed the door. Then the two girls went into the front of the van, Mia got into the drivers seat and Rebekah in the passenger.

"Can you drive This?" She asked Mia, who nodded.

"I hope so. If not, then we will die and just come back." Mia said and turned the massive car driving it to where she believed Klaus would be.

"Do you think he will get mad at the fact that we are going to interfere in his, plan?" Rebekah asked and Mia nodded.

"I just need to make sure no one ends up dead." Mia said and Rebekah sighed.

"Mia the angel."

Tyler leaned in the kiss carlonine whikenjia and Rebekah walked into the hallway. The two were unaware of their presnse and continued to make out.

Mia coughed and inturruoted them. "Aren't you guys cute." Rebekah said.

"Mia?!" Tyler said and Mia waved.

"Not that I want hurt anyone but I need you to come with me Tyler. The sooner we fix this the faster we can leave so come along." Mia said and Carlonine made a face towards Rebekah who had one of the shortest tempers.

"Who are you?" Carlonine asked and Mia shook her head. She sounded so confident but Rebekah shut her up by snapping her neck despite Tyler's pleads.

Mia grabbed his arms and randomly walked into what looked like a gym.

"Sorry my love but did you really think I would leave you out and about." Mia asked and Klaus smiled.

"Of course not I was counting on you to come. I see you've brought Tyler, brilliant minds do think alike. Everyone this is Rebekah my sister be careful she can be quite mean." Klaus said.

Mia waved at the people she knew, while Rebekah glared at her brother.

"Don't be an ass."

"I'm going to make this very simple! Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during the transition. It's quiet horrible actually." Klaus said with fake sympathy and but into his wrist shoving it in Tyler's mouth.

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake, you'd better hurry." Klaus said and snapped Tyler's neck.

Mia looked around, "Senior prank?"

"He killed him." Matt said in disbelief and Mia felt bad.

"You're the human." She said and he nodded, he was captivated by her beauty.

"He will come back, Klaus' blood will make him a hybrid." Elena said and Mia was glad Klaus knew about her, she no longer had to hide it.

"And If Bonnie is successful, he will live through transition. Go on then fetch your grimoires and enchantments and whatnot." Klaus said walked towards them.

"I'll hold onto Elena for safe keeping." He said and grabbed her by the arm harshly.

Mia was slightly bothered with the way he was treating a woman and said nothing but decided she would keep eye on him and take notes to talk to him about it later.

"So this is the latest doppelgänger. The original one was much prettier." Rebekah said observing Elena and Mia nodded.

"No offense Elena but i agree. I am going to kill Katherine so it doesn't matter." Mia said and made Klaus let go of her. Mia led her to the bleachers and sat her down.

Mia - k. mikaelson |completed| Where stories live. Discover now