Chapter 31 - Dreams

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My body is laying on the cold floor. I can feel the heat of my skin against the cold floor, and the ache from where I had been resting on my arm. Before I attempt to get up I lay myself out flat on the floor, and go into my happy place, while the pain in my legs starts to ease.

I sit my head up to look at the door Richard walks into the room, holding a bunch of roses. He kneels down to me and throws the flowers to one side. With all his might he lifts me in the bed, and props himself against the wall at the foot of the bed. He turns his pale face to look at me, I had tears in my eyes.

Richard walks over to where he left the flowers and I see him pause in front of them, he looks down at the flowers, I couldn't see his face. He slowly bends down to pick them up, and shakes them as he brings himself up to turn around to face me. I smile at him as he holds out the flowers, and tilts his head slightly to one side. I nod at him and he puts the flowers at the end of my bed.

My body gets pushed to the side of my bed, and Richard sits next to my waist. He turns his body to face me, propping one leg on the bed. I watch as he lifts his right hand and gently strokes my thigh, I let out a giggle, and he puts his hand on the other side of me, leaning elegantly across me. Then I feel his left hand brush against my should, I turn my head and look at his hand, I smile.

I get a relaxed feeling as I feel the warmth of his hand on my skin, he turns my head to look at him, and we stare deeply into eachother eyes. His looks make it impossible to be angry, and as he leans in to kiss me, I lean in too. Our lips meet. The rush of kissing runs through my whole body, we had said nothing to eachother, yet the romance of the moment couldn't have been more perfect.

He starts to kiss me more passionately, feeling my arms and waist, to my hips where he stops, and puts his hand on my face. One hand slides under my back and he lifts up my body, I feel weightless. His lips move perfectly with mine, and he lets out a breath of air that takes me away.

I hold him close to me, taking in every moment.

I hear my dads voice, but he is not there, his voice is faint, growing louder. "Wake up honey, are you alright? What happened? Please wake up!" I open my eyes to find myself still laying distorted on the cold hard floor, I see dad holding my hand, and Georgia in the corner of the room closing the door. My fantasy was broken now.

They lift me up onto the bed. Georgia comes over to me, "you can't do that while we aren't in the room, you could have been seriously hurt"

Dad looks at me, "we were so worried about you" he kisses my hand and squeezes it tightly, I could see in his eyes that he was hurting, he didn't want to lose me.

"You know, I think I'm done for today, can if go back to my room please" I speak confidently, with a sadness in my voice that I was woken from my wonderful daydream. Georgia pulls over the wheelchair and I lift myself into it. I can feel my legs on the material. It itches and irritates my skin. I constantly scratch until I'm in the bed in my room. I get into my bed and shut my eyes in hope of another dream.

As my mind is about to drift off my dad comes in and sits with me, offering to watch tele together, I guess it's a distraction, so why not. We sit and watch his car programmes on tele that I honestly can't stand, and he smiles. "I'm so proud of you" he says, unable to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a modest giggle.

"You're so brave for going through with all of this, and moving out here and being so happy, I'm just so proud, it's really what your mum would have wanted" I notice my dad struggle to breathe in before letting out a deep breath and scrunching his eyes together.

I realise we were having a moment so I sit up, "I couldn't have done it without your support. You're all I had after mum passed away, and you have no idea how grateful I am. I love you dad" I lean in and hug him, he hugs me back and lets out a couple of tears on my shoulder.

** sorry I haven't been writing very frequently! been going through a lot, thanks for all the reads! enjoy :)**

FeelingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon