Chapter 32 - New Beginnings

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**this chapter is because I left my story a while ago and I feel like I should finish it rather than leave it undone, I'm also doing it in a different person because banter**

Her therapy proved very effective.. It only took 8 months, they were guessing 12 -16 but she did it in 8 and is walking again. Her Dad was fed up living at home so ditched everything to move in in Canada.

Just one thing missing from her now perfect life, one thing missing that has always felt missing, even though She practically made everything impossible completely possible, there's still that one impossibility that She can't help but remind herself of.

Richard never contacted her when in hospital, she supposed that she had moved on, to more important things. Her dad met a man and his son at a car auction and they were talking about her, so they say. Her Dad wants to set the two kids up but she just isn't completely on board.

She's home now, and decides that for the first sunny day since all the storms to take a swift walk on the beach. She grabs her bag from her bed and walks out the door. How amazing walking feels for her. She locks the door behind her and starts walking towards the beach feeling the flip flops wack against her heels as she goes.

As she approaches the beach she smells the cold salty air and begins to run, she runs like the wind and as soon as her feet touch the golden sand she falls, falls in pain to the floor where she lay. A young woman spots her on the floor, and rushes over to help, but no tears are seen. Not even any resemblance of pain, for she is now rolling in the sand smiling and laughing screaming "it feels so good to fall!" She had not fallen in so long and it had made her feel alive again!

She picks herself up and brushed the sand off of her, rushing now towards the ice blue sea. She pulls her top over her head to reveal her swimsuit, and pulls her skirt down leaving her clothes scattered along the sea front. She finds herself coming to a halt at the water, and dipping one sly toe inside.

She feels the cold and begins to march herself into the water, the ocean on her legs made her laugh and smile, she was back. How she was as a child, how she always should have been!

She starts to get deeper, and realises she cannot swim, her muscles aren't yet strong enough. No trouble, paddling in the shallow area of the water she spends her entire day. Not worrying about anything.

The phone rings from the bag left scruffily on the sand and seaweed. Upon answering the phone her dads voice hears, "honey, come home, there's someone here I want you to meet"
Smiling again she hangs up and gradually gets redressed as the sun slowly makes its way towards the horizon.

Walking back home swinging her keys in her fingers, she crosses the road and drops the keys into the road, as a car approaches she quickly runs to the other side.
Suddenly a flashback.
She saw herself wheeling her mum across the road, and could almost hear the present falling off the back of her mothers chair. "No problem" she thought to herself, as she left her mum on the pavement and hopped back to grab the gift, if only she'd seen that car.

Snapping out of her flashback she left the keys in the road until the light to cross flashed green again, and she grabbed the keys in a rush to go.
Upon walking more and more flashbacks came to mind. Her mums voice screaming her name, her family and friends bringing her chocolate, her grandad holding her hand asking how she could be so careless.

She started to breathe heavier as she remembered more and more things about being in her chair. When that bitch Natalie took her to church at Easter, her mums passing, talking to her mums ashes, which she hasn't done since leaving the hospital.

When remembering she almost ran home to find her dad and the boy he'd met sat in the chairs on the porch. "Hey sweetie" he spoke clearly, with a smile on his face.
"This is Ben"
Ben, she thought to herself, not another, not one with the same name of a boy She had feelings for, no.
Too many things reoccurring in her mind, she passed out on the floor and her memories swirled through her head.
The perfect time when she and Ben were getting along, bringing her mum colouring books home. Being oblivious when ben broke her heart and she ignored her mums illness. When she joined a swimming club, right by her birthday, and her present for swimming in the sea in her chair. Her memories of her friend Jane, her wonderful friend Jane with Down syndrome, how beautiful she was and talented too. The memories of Jane made her smile and woke her from her passing out.

Her dad was sat by her asking what happened, and she said "Dad, I remember everything, all of it, every look every moment with everyone, I can't believe I don't think of it anymore"
She shuts her eyes again and remembers more happy moments,
Richard, Richard, Richard.
Her heart broken
She distracts herself
Moving to Canada
She met the lovely family
With children that adore her
Strange thing when coincidences happen, for just as she thought of Marilyn she could hear the young child's voice,
"We adopted a puppy! Look!"
A small puppy yapping away approached her,
"He's gonna like you, I've told him all about you, and I told him how one day I'm gonna be just like you, go on introduce yourself"
She picked up the dog and put him on her lap, "hey there little pup," she spoke softly to him, gently patting his head, "always remember that whatever happens to you happens for a reason, I'm living proof, I'm Annie"

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