Chapter 8 - The Birthday girl

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My Birthday was getting closer and closer, and more and more people were asking what I wanted. Like any other girl I asked for earrings, hair bands, socks, and any brightly coloured nail varnish. Of course all I really wanted was to be able to talk to my mum and actually get a response. Leading up to my birthday I spent more and more time talking to my mums ashes, and telling her about all my friends at Uni. I joined a swimming club, which you may think is weird because I can't feel my legs, but I got a trainer, her names Nancy, and she helps me in the water. I made a few friends there too, which was helpful.

My Birthday finally arrived. I remember that day so perfectly. Dad came and woke me up, he rocked me gently singing happy birthday to me, when I finally woke up he lifted me into my chair, I hadn't remembered him being so strong before. He was being so caring that morning, he grabbed a blanket and tucked it in around me, I felt all cosy and calm.

Dad pushed me into the living room where Natalie was sat next to a huge present, surrounded by lots of little presents. Natalie stood up as soon as we entered and screeched "Happy Birthday darling!" err nope. Not your darling. I gave her an evil glare, and she smiled timidly then looked away, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Dad pulled the large box towards me and whispered to me. "Open this one first" I smiled excitedly and started to tear at the badly wrapped gift. As I opened it I saw 'wheelchair' on the front, I didn't need a new wheelchair, and I hoped that wasn't what it was.

To my amazement it wasn't. Well it was, but different. This was a wheelchair for swimming in. Dad had obviously heard me telling mum about swimming, cos I hadn't told him, or Natalie. Dad looked at me, "you look confused" he said, tilting his head to one side.

"I did you know?"

"How did I know what?"

"That I'd started swimming" I wondered if he was trying to cover it up that he'd eavesdropped on me.

"I didn't know that. I bought this because we are all going on holiday, and this way you can use the pool there, I would have thought you'd be a bit more excited"

I was excited. I thought dad was showing an interest in me, and trying to do something thoughtful, dragging me away on holiday with him and Natalie is not thoughtful. Especially with me being in a wheelchair who'll have trouble even getting on a plane let alone enjoying a holiday.

No matter how much I protested dad still insisted that I go with them. Oh well. I had the rest of my birthday to look forward to. Dad let me go to uni an hour late so I missed my morning lecture. I came into school and went to the court outside and met with a few of my friends: Chris, Sam, and Jane.

Chris likes to hang with the girls a lot, I think he might be gay, he's only been with us for a couple weeks though so I'm not too sure. He's really tall and skinny. He has hair that's almost black, and green-blue eyes. Sam is really lovely. She has gorgeous brown hair, that's perfectly straight, and she has light brown eyes. Sam's the same height as me, if I was standing that is. Sam has ADHD, but it isn't too serious. Jane is my favourite. She has blonde, short curly hair, and dark blue eyes. Jane has special needs, she reminds me of my mum, because she loves to draw, and looks a bit like her. Jane spends most of her time in her wheelchair, which is electric, sometimes she goes behind me and pushes me along.

Jane and I always meet up between classes because her art classes are in the same building as my psychology classes. She knows about my mum and my family, and she always asks to hear about my mum, and things she did. She told me that one day she'd like to have accomplished all the things my mum did. She's so sweet and lovely, and being in the position my mum was in, I can really relate to her.

For my Birthday Jane got me a necklace. It's half a heart with 'friends' engraved on it. She has the half with 'best' engraved on it. When she gave it to me I knew before even unwrapping it that it would be something that a 12 year old would buy but you can't blame her for that.

Chris got me a bracelet, made of small pink stones, I quite liked it, but I'm pretty sure he didn't put much thought into it.

Sam's present was the best. She got me a box of different chocolates, a purse with a little dog on it, and four tickets to see Wicked in London.

When I got home that day I told dad about the great presents I got from my friends, Dad was quite impressed, until Natalie spoke. "None of that as good as a holiday with your family though!"

I looked at the evil grin on her face and it stirred my stomach. "What family is that then?"

"your Dad and me, silly"

"that's called a father and daughter holiday with a third wheel."

And with that I wheeled myself out of the room, smirking as I saw her face go into a state of horror and disappointment. Unfortunately having been facing the other way I never noticed her getting angry, in a way I'm glad I didn't see, if I'd still been there she may of shot me.

Dad brought my Curry into my bedroom that evening. We couldn't order Chinese because Natalie the queen of the world doesn't like the smell. My curry still tasted pretty good, and tasted much better because I wasn't in the same room as the thing that's getting with my dad.

My birthday had been pretty successful, and hey, I even had a holiday to look forward to.

**Nothing too terrible happened i know, i neded at least one chapter where she could be happy, and i could sleep without having weird and inventive dreams!!**

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