Chapter 13 - Dumped

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The night was long and tiring, Dad spent the whole night crying his eyes out over Natalie. Part of me wishes I told him about how horrible she was from the very beginning. But then again he may not have believed me. I couldn’t sleep with dad crying so I wheeled myself to the beach. I put my chair safely on a hill of sand, and leant over to feel it.

The sand felt different now. Cold and mysterious. I ran the sand through my fingers and drew swirly patters on the ground. Just my presence on the beach made me feel like something weird was going to happen. I must have been imagining things; I saw a man rise up from the water. I could only see his silhouette from the dim lights of the lamps behind me. He walked slowly out of the water and collapsed onto the sand.

With panic I went straight over to where I thought I saw the man fall, but if must have just been a wave, there was no man on the floor.

 After looking around for a body and giving up, almost instantly I heard a large amount of voices coming from the reception area just off the back of the beach. The voices started getting louder and I could hear footsteps. I heard loud voices saying things. “..beach” “food” “girl” “child” “dead” “sea” “boat” as the voices got louder I approached the water, in attempt to get away. The voices followed me, and I saw a crowd of middle aged men standing on the path.

“There! Quick!”

Suddenly the group of men were rushing towards me, asking if I was okay. Very quickly I was escorted back to my room. I was so confused, what had happened? Why were they there? How did they know that I was there?

Once back in my room I realised dad had quietened down, so I lifted myself into bed, and fell straight asleep. I had a dreamless night, and woke up before my dad did. The light in the room was dim. I got up and into my chair, I noticed that the material was becoming worn out and tatty, it must have been the heat. Despite this I had a mission to go back to the town today, and by myself.

Dad was woken by the extreme light coming through the curtains and the smell of fresh sea air as I opened the rusty wooden window. He stood up almost immediately and with no expressions or words, got dressed. He looked at me as if to ask if we could leave, but he didn’t say anything. I changed into a small pink top and grey shorts, and dad pushed me to breakfast.

We weren’t joined by Natalie at the table, which was probably for the best. Dad came back with a bowl of cereal, and brought me Frosties, I don’t know what he had, but looked like a kind of cornflake. Dad finished his miniscule bowl in a few mouthfuls and stood up to get more. As he stood up something fell out of his pocket. The ring. Had he already left her? I had no idea. I bent over and picked up the ring. I placed it on the table next to his spoon, for when he came back.

I looked around for him by the cereal but couldn’t see him. I waited and waited for him to return but he was nowhere, like he’d disappeared. Despite dad’s strange invisibility, I took the ring and head back to the room, to pack my bag for the town.

I had quite a lot of money with me, and decided today would be the day that I buy the gifts for my friends. Just as I was about to leave there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see a very upset Natalie stood there. When Natalie noticed that I was the only one in the room, he tears quickly dried and her eyes were filled with rage.

“You did this” she spoke with a growl in her voice, and was so angry she looked like she would cry again any second, I had to pick my words carefully.

“I did nothing. You did this to yourself”

“How on EARTH did I do this to myself? If you hadn’t have gone to that party I wouldn’t have been caught”

In fairness, she didn’t have to tell dad about me being at the party, she didn’t have to mention it at all, I was fine. I didn’t want to hurt her too much, even though she’s been horrible to me.

“You chose to go to the party. If you’re looking for my Dad I don’t actually know where he is, and I’m about to leave so-” I tried to slip past her but she put her hands on the sides of my chair and leant over me.

“You will find him. And you will tell him that it’s not my fault. And you will make him forgive me. If you don’t I will make your life hell.”

She couldn’t make my life much worse than it was, but I didn’t want to take the chances right now, I nodded quickly and she stood up straight, brushed herself off and walked away. With relief I left, closing the door gently behind me.

The break up had obviously hurt dad and left him unstable. However I was never going to try and get him back into a relationship with someone who treats me like dirt. In attempt not to think about Dad’s girl troubles, I left the hotel and headed for the memorable bus station that was just down the path. The tracks were dry and familiar, and the alleyway was refreshingly cool. I peeked around the corner of the hotel hoping for an empty bus stop, and to some unknown luck, there was nobody there. I pulled on the breaks by the bus stop, and relaxing lay my head back in the burning sun.


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