Chapter 12 - The Disco

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As we went in the smell of sweaty bodies and alcohol made me gag. I gave Tamarra €5 for my entry, and we all crowded over to the bar. The music was so loud I could hardly hear anyone speak.

When excited about the party I’d forgotten that I couldn’t dance, the thought of being in this chair all night depressed me, and the thumping music reminded me of my prom and the horrors of it. The music playing was hurting my stomach, and my head was starting to ache. I told Marilyn to go and dance, she took her brother off to the dance floor and they started dancing with some other young kids.

I wasn’t too sure what to do with myself. I couldn’t talk to anyone, and I could hardly see, so I wheeled myself out of the large glass doors to where the pool was. The pool had a slope edging into the water, so I took off my sandals and wheeled myself into the water just up to my ankles, and left my mind to think freely.

I started to think about my prom. I remember that evening with a slight haze. My friends had tricked me into drinking some alcohol, so the memories of the party only started to come back to me a few days after prom. I remember it was my last year of school. I was head over heels for this boy, Richard. He was dreamy. He was tall with dark fluffy hair, and dark mysterious eyes. He was very thin, and to prom he wore a grey suit, with a red tie.

He couldn’t have been more out of my league. He was so incredibly popular, and although I was friends with the girls he hung around with, I was nothing compared to anyone he’d ever dated.

I caught him smiling at me while chatting to a couple of his friends after the DJ had stopped for a break, and he started to approach me. Butterflies swelled in my stomach, and I stepped forwards to greet him.

“You look really beautiful tonight” he spoke so kindly, his eyes sparkled.

“Thanks” I tried not to go bright red, as the lights flashed over us.

“I wanted to ask you something” the possibilities of what he would say were spinning through my mind.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” I smiled and screamed yes at him, I went to hug him but he stepped back with a smirk on his face that I have always resented, he spun around to his friends and shouted

“You were right guys, she said yes without even blinking”

The whole room began laughing, the thumping music started to play again, beating through me, heart broken. He looked at me and winked, then laughed and walked back towards his friends. Everyone in the hall stared at me laughing. Some were on the floor they found it so funny.

I started to relieve myself of my thoughts but as I did I found it hard to breathe, and the laughing and music hadn’t stopped. I shook my head to find most people at the disco were standing around the pool laughing at me. I suddenly realised I was cold, and wet. I had no idea what had happened. Tamarra starting pushing me quickly from the party and back to her room, none of her family joined us.

When we got back she started to undress me, I was still hazed from the laughter. She picked me up and lifted me onto the bed, wrapping me in 4 towels. She seemed to be in a rush, moving frantically from cupboard to cupboard. She stopped next me and sat down. Her loud voice and accent made me jump.

“You gave us quite a fright there miss.”

“What happened?” I was so confused, why was I soaking wet, and why was everyone laughing at me.

“You should tell me really. I was just in the bar ordering some drinks, and the next thing I see is a crowd of people heading to the pool. I rushed out to see what was happening and you were slowly heading down the slope into the water, how did you not realise?”

I could not believe my ears, I was in a state of shock, I could have drowned.

“Who saved me?”

“Why I did silly. I saw you were up to your neck in water and I went straight in and dragged you out.”

Tamarra saved my life, and I had no idea. I was so lost in thought I nearly drowned myself.

Tamarra told me not to worry about all the people laughing cos I wouldn’t have to see them again, she helped me dry off, and it was about 11;15 when the others got back worried sick. Tamarra explained everything to them, she lent me a long beach shirt of hers. She dried me off and helped me back into my chair, I said goodbye to everyone and she started pushing me back to my hotel.

“You really don’t have to do this.”

“Oh please darl, it’s the least I could do”

Going down the alleyway she asked me what I was thinking about. I explained the entire story to her, after a second of thinking she asked how I coped with things like that.

“My mum was always there for me. When I got home after the party she made me hot chocolate and told me to go to bed, she came in and sat in her wheelchair besides me and showed me all the things she had coloured in that day. She always made me feel better, I didn’t know how I’d live without her when she passed away”

“You really are one unlucky lady”

“Tell me about it” Tamarra giggled, and before I knew it we were at the hotel. She wheeled me all the way to my room, and I let myself in.

“I’ll see ya soon honey! Come to the hotel whenever you want” Tamarra closed the door and left, I saw dad sat on the couch.

“Been at the party have you?” his eyes pierced me, and I studied him carefully as I spoke.

“How did you know?” I was shocked dad had even noticed me being gone. His face started to weaken, and he looked down at the floor. He took a deep breath.

“Natalie saw you there” a tear came to dad’s eye. “She was on a date.”

Dad began crying and I rushed over to him, I knew the good luck I was getting was too good to be true.

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