"Uh... thank you?" Stan said in confusion.

"Anyway, Tweek and Craig are totally fine now, so don't worry about it. Now, let's get into something more interesting. How's your research going? You guys have been up all morning." I smiled.

"More like all night." Clyde rubbed his tired eyes.

"Well, we've been reading up on all sorts of stuff, but all of the books we've been looking for aren't at the town library. We checked like thirty times on the computer." Kyle said, sounding exhausted and hopeless.

"We're never going to find those Pringles..." Stan said. I looked at Token, Craig, and Butters, who knew that I knew where those Pringles were. And then I looked at Kyle and Stan, who were oblivious to that knowledge. A true delema, on my part. What was a gal to do to keep a fucked lie like this going? I needed to talk to Kenny... Maybe it was already getting close to that time where we finally spilled the tea.

"Well... you guys should probably get to that. If you really think you won't find them. Maybe start coming up with a plan B while Cartman's being stalled." I said.

"Okay. Like what?" He asked.

"Oh, I don't know... killing Man-bear-pig. I'm sure you could come up with some elaborate plan while I'm away." I smiled, heading for the door again.

"Hey, wait a second!" Kyle shouted before I could leave, "Where are you going this time? Everytime you somehow get us closer to the Pringles, you want to dissapear again while we're still stuck here trying to figure shit out!!"

"Good observation, Kyle." I smiled, opening the door to his room.

"But wait!!" He said again before I could dash away. He walked up to me with a glare, getting up in my face.

"Why?? Why do you keep running off, where are you going, what are you hiding??" He asked again.

"Listen, Kyle... I like to think of it as... working behind the scenes." I smiled.

"DOING WHAT??!!" He screamed, before I pressed my finger against his angry Jewish lips.

"Shh, shh, shhh... hush now, Kyle. I'll be back later, I'm going to find Kenny." I smiled. He grew frusterated.

"Fine! Then why don't you take Butters with you??" He said. I looked at the little blonde boy who grinned at me again. Kyle was trying to make sure I wasn't lying, or doing something shady. Good thing Butter's was an adorable half-baked biscuit.

"Oh, alright. Come on, cutie." I smiled back, making him jump with excitement.

"Whoo hoo!" He said. Kyle was rather shocked that I was so willing to let him tag along.

"See you soon, boys." I said, before leaving with him out of the house. We walked down the street, and over the tracks as always. When we got to the little house, and I knocked on the door, no one answered.

"Looks like nobody's home." He said. Oh sweet, spontanious Kenny. I wondered where that rascal went. Then I heard the faint sound of shoveling from the back of the house. I quietly made my way over, trying not to cause too much attention, in case it was Kevin, or some psycho drug addict. But Butter's kept shuffling the gravel under his shoes.

"Butters... pick up your feet!" I whisper yelled.

"Wh- I can't, beautiful Y/n. They're stuck on my legs here, see?" He said, lifting up his leg.

"Ugh. Stop being a dork." I told him.

"Hey Y/n." I heard Kenny's muffled voice from behind me. I turned to look at him, and saw him holding the shovel. I smiled.

Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x Reader || South Park FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now