Chapter 34: The Fall of Eight Thirty Three

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"It's always been this way hasn't it?" Axle asked a dark silhouette as he stood in a void of darkness. "This battle we've had with each other. When is it going to end?" He asked the silhouette.

"The battle ends when I reign victorious. It ends when there's nothing left of you." The silhouette said as it approached him. It was him, only difference was that his skin was gray, eyes glowing red and he had a sadistic grin on his face. The silhouette was Eight Thirty Three.

"It ends the moment Axle Ryder dies."

Laura watched as Eight Thirty Three kept screaming in pain. It wasn't physical, it was as if it was mentally breaking apart. His voice kept shifting as he kept screaming.

"I'm sorry father." She said before forming a purple plasma blade. "I'm simply putting you out of your misery now." She said before she started running toward the nuclear CyberHuman with tears in her eyes.

"You're a fool." Axle told his other half. "Killing me will result in your death."

"And what makes you say that?" Eight Thirty Three asked his human half. "The only reason Carly and Laura didn't kill us yet is because they still know I'm in here. When you show that Axle Ryder doesn't exist anymore, they won't hesitate to take down Eight Thirty Three."

"Stay back Laura!!!" Eight Thirty Three yelled and the girl stopped. She didn't do it because she was obeying orders, it was what he called her. The concern, the voice.

"Axle? Is that you?" Carly called out. He looked at her. She saw something strange. One of his eyes belonged to Eight Thirty Three but the other belonged to him. "It's me." He said.

"You wanted to take me down, but you don't realise that you're the one who's going down." Axle smirked before disappearing from the dark void.

"I'm sorry." Axle said before getting up. "I failed you. I died and when I came back I lost myself." This was Axle apologizing.

"Stop apologizing Axle, I've already made peace with it. Just power down okay." Carly said with tears in her eyes. "I can't. I've gone critical. I'm gonna die but this time I'm taking Eight Thirty Three with me. Just promise me one thing. Please take care of Laura for me."

"What are you talking about? You're gonna live Axle. I'm not letting you go a second time." She cried. This was too painful.

"Stop crying Carly. I made my choice, at least this time I get to say goodbye." He said while smiling. "Fuck you Axle!! I'm not about to bite the big one alone with you!!!" Eight Thirty Three yelled as he tried to gain control.

"I don't know why you're so bitter, but that ends today." Axle said before tapping into his comm set. "This is CyberHuman Eight Thirty Three, order all the missiles to be launched straight into outer space!! Do it now!!"

"You heard the boss, send those missiles straight to the stars!!" Scorpion yelled before everyone changed the coordinates of the missiles.

"I hope you know what you're doing Axle." Scorpion muttered to herself as she watched the the programmers do their jobs.

Axle got up and he ran. The energy was starting to become more and more unstable. He couldn't find a place inside to blow up so he decided to take it outside.

Mom, Dad, Laura, maybe I can join you after all. We've been separated for such a long time. Maybe I won't see you. But knowing that I get to spend the last moments of my life doing some good, it makes me feel happy. Eight Thirty Three, I wish we could've worked together to make a better world. We can still improve. Carly showed me that on that day. Wyatt, you took me in and became the father I needed after the Grey incident. Thank you, and I'm sorry for what I've done. Goodbye Carly, take care of Laura for me. I'll miss you both. Axle mentally said his final goodbyes before he reached the outside.

He was in the middle of the street and he looked at the sky. The CyberHuman slammed his fists against each other before making a force field to cover himself.

"You idiot!!! We're gonna die, stop this at once!!" Eight Thirty Three yelled at Axle. "I'm sorry Eight Thirty Three, I shouldn't have held you back. I hope you can forgive me. Besides, you can't blame me when you're the one who did this."

He activated his comms once more. "Scorpion, I'm giving all control of the organisation to you. The last true member of Umbrachrono. Succeed where Eric and I have failed."

"Will do. I'll make the world see Umbrachrono for what it truly is. My father would be proud of you, Axle. Goodbye."

"Laura, I want you to live with Carly and Kara. Carly's gonna be your new mother from now on. Carly, I wish things could have gone better. I should've come back to you the moment I came back to life. I'm sorry."

"Father, stop apologizing. You're making it through this."

"She's right Axle, stop it okay. We're on our way, just hold on."

"Don't waste your time. I've made peace with this. If killing myself results in your safety then I'm all for it. I'm just calling to say goodbye, and to say that I love you both. I'm proud of you Laura, now don't cause your mother any trouble. Goodbye guys."

Those were the last words Axle said before he reached his limit. With one final scream, he let all the power within him release.

Carly and Laura made it only to realise that they were too late.

The saw the shield filled with red plasma energy and it kept expanding, creating a crater in the process. "Axle/Father!!! The two cried out before a red beam shot out from the shield and into the sky before the shield itself exploded, knocking them into the house behind them.

They weren't knocked out but they did see the shield had disappeared. They both ran over to the crater to see Axle's body laying at the center. Laura slid down to Axle's body and Carly followed suit. Both of them looking at him with fear. Fear for him being dead.

They gave up hope for him being alive. Nobody could've survived that and Axle essentially used a self destruct on himself. There was no possible way that Axle survived that explosion.

Carly went over to Laura to hug her and comfort her. The girl had lost her father so she was in all kinds of pain. The girl was crying while Carly kept her tears back, trying to be strong for the girl.

They were grieving but a slight cough interrupted them. They looked around and they heard the cough again. They looked at Axle before his eyes shot wide open, coughing as if he came back from drowning underwater, the only things here was that he was coughing up smoke and dust instead of water.

The two couldn't believe it. Carly and Laura stood at Axle's sides before he looked at them. "Ugh, where am I and why aren't we in the CyberSpace testing facility?" He asked with a hoarse voice.

Laura and Axle didn't even listen to what he said, they just hugged him knowing that he was alive.

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