Chapter 18: Eight Thirty One VS Eight Thirty Five

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"You speak as if you're gonna be saved by the author of some crappy book Eight Thirty One." Said a voice in the darkness.

Carla looked and she saw someone who she knew. It was Eight Thirty Three.

"Crap, it's Eight Thirty Three, everyone get out and go ahead with the plan. I'll deal with this guy." Carla ordered before every one ran out following Wyatt.

"I have to say, it's cute that you think you'll beat us. Sadly, your plan will fail. The King is unstoppable." Said the male CyberHuman.

"So, you're going against your order to protect me huh Eight Thirty Three?" Asked Eight Thirty One.

"Yes. My orders are to keep you safe, but you are one obstacle that interferes with our plans. The King may want you safe, but ending you keeps our plan safe... Oh and I'm not Eight Thirty Three... It's just a cover name that I was ordered by the master to use. Call me, Eight Thirty Five."

Carla looked at him with shocked eyes. "So I'm assuming that the King is the real Eight Thirty Three?" Asked the female CyberHuman. "You catch on quick." Said Eight Thirty Five before his helmet covered his face putting him in his complete battle suit.

The two had a brief stand off before Eight Thirty Five lunged forward at Carla trying to rush her with his sword but she quickly dodged it as she jumped on his shoulders and jumped behind him doing a front flip before landing in a crouching position. She got up and turned around to find her enemy rushing at her with a quick thrust with his sword before moving to her right before kicking him flat on the side of his head, forcing him to be launched away from her foot and into the wall.

"You honestly thought you'd beat me with a half ass vorpal strike like that? What kinda fool do you take me for?" Carla taunted her downed opponent before he got back on his feet.

"How did you predict that move?" He asked. "It's not the first time someone used that move on me. It might have been brief but I had training and someone used an attack like that on me. Only difference is that your attack was sloppy." She explained.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you came across a merc before."

"No, just an old friend back in CyberSpace." Carla said before rushing at him with a gun in her hand. "Clearly you have zero experience in using a gun." Said Eight Thirty Five before rushing attempting another vorpal strike at Carla but failed once again before she jumped high into the air and shot him at the hand that held his sword.

He dropped it before looking at her.

"Play time's over. Prepare to die Eight Thirty One." He said before he was surrounded by red lightning. "I'm going all out, an old gen CyberHuman stands no chance against me."

After saying those words, he vanished. He appeared right behind her before kicking her in the spine forcing her to fly into the wall. Before she could get up he appeared above her before grabbing her neck and lifting her limp body up.

"Game over Eight Thirty One, I win." He said before punching her face and this knocking her out. He slung her body over his shoulder before contacting someone. "Eight Thirty Nine. I need a pickup. You can get me at the Pentagon." Said Eight Thirty Five.

"Roger that, Eight Thirty Nine out." Said a voice that belonged to Jet. Eight Thirty Five then walked out with an unconscious Carla killing people that got in his way.

His speed allowed him to move quickly as he got out of the high security government facility.

"And now to light up the fireworks." He said before Jet arrived. "Let's go. This building's gonna blow in ten seconds." Said Eight Thirty Five before leaving with the new CyberHuman, leaving an exploding Pentagon behind them.

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