Chapter 27: Human Again

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It was time. Carly was now unconscious and her new body was ready. It was put on life support because to the surgery that was about to take place. Her new body even had medical nanobots to keep the body from dying.

Axle was nervous, but he had to trust Scissor. Scissor brought him back from the dead so he had to have faith. Wyatt was just as nervous for Carly since he doubted that this surgery would be successful.

Scissor was in front of two bodies. He first went over to the body of Eight Thirty One and popped the head open. There, her brain was exposed. He carefully removed it since the cyber body was offline. He quickly put it in a regen-tank to keep it alive. Now came the tricky part. Popping the clone's skull open.

Kara was asleep in Laura's lap and she was scared. She was worried, not only for the one being operated on but for her father and her new friend.

Anxiety was filling the air. It was for this that the three were greatful that the toddler was fast asleep. All they had to do now was watch as Scissor did his job.

He made an incision at the middle of the clone's forehead and continued to cut around her head and stopping only at the back of the head.

Once the bone was exposed he got a bone saw to open up Carla's skull. He created life and he was taking the same life he created. The top of the skull was removed leaving the flesh there, still alive and uninfected thanks to the nanobots.

The sight was more than what Wyatt could handle. He's seen countless deaths but this made his stomach churn as he ran out to the nearest bathroom to vomit. Laura couldn't bare seeing this as well and she ran out with Kara in her arms. Axle stayed and watched.

Some of the nanobots in the clone's body removed the nerves and synapses allowing for easy removal, especially since the spinal cord was severed from the base of the brain.

Scissor reached in and pulled the brain out carefully and placed it in Eight Thirty One's body. He then reactivated the body and had it set on standby, keeping that brain alive.

The old doctor knew it was time. He got Carla's brain from the regen-tank and carefully inserted it back into the empty hole known as her skull.

Axle watched, silently praying that nothing bad would happen as the brain  was being inserted.

Scissor managed to successfully insert the brain into the cranial cavity before getting the piece of the skull, after disinfecting it, and placing it where it belonged. He then covered it with the flesh that was just hanging around like a hood on her head. Once this was done he had the regen tank opened. The nanobots were still in the body and they were quickly making repairs to her skull and head. Once the surgical wound closed up he had the body placed in after placing an oxygen mask over the mouth and nose.

He switched on the monitors to show the progress. There was a pulse. The skull and the wound were as good as new. The nerves were repaired as soon as the brain was inserted.

Her heart was beating, her lungs were functional. The nanobots in side here were doing an excellent job of repairing her nervous system. Her internal organs were connected with her brain now. All that was left was motor functions. Scissor looked in pride before turning to face his fearless leader to give him a thumbs up. Axle was happy, relieved in fact. Not only was she free from being a CyberHuman, she could get back to her regular life again as Carla Evans.

Axle stepped out into the hallway before coming across Wyatt. He saw the look in his eyes before he smiled. "She made it Wyatt. She's human again." Axle said before walking off.

3 days later...

Carla's body was fully outfitted with clothing. She slowly opened her eyes. She felt different. She felt numb. The light was dimmed down so she could see clearly. She was confused.

She tried moving her hands. Something scared her. She lifted her right arm to move her fingers. It felt strange.

She looked around to see different monitors. One showed her pulse, another showed her status thanks to the nanobots. It said: Health Condition: 100%   Physical Condition: 100%

She thought what that was about until it came back to her. She remembered Axle being alive, his talk with Kara and her agreeing to become human again.

Was she human again? She looked to see a sleeping Axle and Kara by her side. She knew she wasn't dreaming.

Axle quickly woke up and saw her looking at him. He chuckled. She was confused before he said, "Last time this happened was when we were teenagers. Only thing is that I was the one waiting for you to wake up this time." Axle said.

She smiled before her little bundle of joy woke up. "Momma?" The toddler called out before she said, "Hey baby. Come here, I wanna hug you." She said before Kara climbed onto the bed with help from Axle.

She cradled her daughter in her arms. She felt happy. This was her first time holding Kara in her actual body. It felt nice. She didn't want this feeling to stop. She didn't want to let her go.

"I love you baby." She whispered ad a tear escaped her eye.

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