Chapter 1: CyberHuman

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2 years, 8 months later...

It was night time in Seattle. There was a luxury hotel in the sight of someone looking through the scope of a sniper rifle.

"Eight Thirty Three, do you copy?" A voice was heard talking to the one looking through the scope. "This is Eight Thirty Three, target is in sight... What are my orders?" The CyberHuman known as Eight Thirty Three spoke into the comms, awaiting orders from the one talking to him.

"Kill the Secretary of State... The weapon you were given should help you cover the distance of shot from where you are, don't miss this one."

"Don't insult me Jet, I never miss." Eight Thirty Three said as he aimed his sniper rifle at a certain hotel room. He looked into the scope and aimed for his target. "Die." He silently said as he pulled the trigger.

He watched through the scope as his target dropped down to the ground while the others in the room were panicking. They knew a sniper killed the Secretary of State but they had no idea where the sniper was.

Amused by what he did, Eight Thirty Three got up and signalled Jet for a pick up.

3 days later...

"Honestly, this will cause problems for the whole country. How the hell did he get sniped from that distance?" The general asked as he looked at the satellite images of the assassin.

"General Cooper, if I may." Another general spoke out. "If you have anything to say, say it Baxter."

"This looks like the work of that new terrorist organization Umbrachrono."

"Umbrachrono is getting out of hand, how the hell are we going to deal with them? Worst part is their secret assassin Eight Thirty Three." Vice president Harris slammed her hand on the table.

"Calm down... calm down. Look, what do we know about Eight Thirty Three anyway?" The president, Joe Biden asked.

"He's what is what we recently found out to be a CyberHuman." Baxter said.
"Oh please!! Be real Baxter, CyberHumans are a government myth!!" Kamala called out the bullshit which was Baxter's statement.

"It's not. I served under a general a while back who ran a program that had the purpose of creating cyborg soldiers. It was called Project Cyber. Just check the archives because I witnessed it all while you were still in the Senate Judiciary Committee, madam vice president." Baxter said.

"He's not lying, I'm sure you heard about the Red Eyed Demon incident. That involved two CyberHumans, the massacre of over fifty soldiers and the death of General Simon Grey." Cooper spoke as he supported Baxter's statement.

"That nut job was involved in that? Great, but wasn't Project Cyber sealed and stopped by my predecessor?" The President asked.

"It was when the chance it could go public arised but we have reason to believe that the leader of Umbrachrono has resumed it and is continuing to create CyberHumans." Cooper answered.

"Okay, say I do believe this crap, how much CyberHumans are there?" The Secretary of Defense asked.

"As far as recorded, there used to be eight hundred and thirty but they all were judged as failures. The only ones we know that exists were CyberHuman Eight Thirty One also known as Carly Kyber, formerly known as Carla Evans. The last known one that we know of is CyberHuman Eight Thirty Three." Baxter answered.

"I'm still calling bullshit." The vice president said. "Believe what you want but this is true... your orders mister President?" Cooper spoke.

"Find miss Kyber, get a location of where Umbrachrono is hiding out at and find a replacement for the Secretary of State. I want all hands on this, dismissed."

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