Chapter 23: Game Changer

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Carla and Wyatt reluctantly followed the King to his hideout. It wasn't that they trusted him, it was only to make sure that he wasn't lying and that Kara was actually safe.

At the base Kara was done playing with Laura and decided to wander around the facility. She stumbled across a bio lab. Things there creeped her out but fascinated her. Especially when she saw something that looked similar to her mother. It was a naked woman in a pod filled with blue fluid.

"Huh... Momma?" Kara spoke out in confusion. "There you are Kara." Laura sighed with relief as she went to go hug the toddler. "You're not supposed to be in the bio lab, why are here?"

"I got boaw'd. I wanted to do sawmthing fun." She said. "Okay, let's get out of this place quickly. My dad is gonna get cranky if he finds out we were in here."

"Let's make your dad cwanky." Kara cheered out before the CyberHuman picked her up. "How about some cookies?" Laura suggested to which the toddler cheered which made her smile.

Before the two could leave the door opened to reveal the two people that Laura did not want to see. Eight Thirty Three and Eight Thirty One.

"Child, why are the two of you here?" The King questioned Eight Thirty Four. Laura tried to think of an excuse before the toddler burst out in happiness before Kara yelled out in happiness, "Momma!!"

Carla quickly ran over to scoop up her daughter using her only hand arm left before, in her own way, hugging the kid.

"Kara, are you okay baby?" Carla asked her child before she said, "I had lawts of fun!! Lauwa makes me hawppy." Kara said as she hugged her mother.

"Why are you here? Did my little explorer wander off again?" Carla asked Kara knowing that her daughter liked exploring. Kara felt like she was in trouble so she nodded her head as she was looking down.

"I'm sowwy." She said. "It's okay, why don't you play with Laura for a while and mommy will catch up, okay?" Kara nodded before Laura took her in her arms and left. Carla then sighed as her daughter didn't notice she was a CyberHuman.

"Why'd you bring us here King?" Wyatt asked. Eight Thirty Three sighed before pointing at the pod that Kara found.

Carla was shocked to say the least. She walked toward it with Wyatt before the King said, "Bernstein and Grey thought they got rid of your body. They didn't account for your parents keeping your umbilical cord at your grandparents' house. I got it and salvaged your DNA and created a clone."

"Why's the clone an adult? Shouldn't it be a little kid right now?" Carla questioned the terrorist leader. "That would be the case but I had my scientists give the clone a supply of growth hormones. Your brain is still in tact and I was wondering if you'd like for your old body back."

"What are you playing at?" Wyatt asked. "Nothing. I know how much Carly hates being a CyberHuman. That's made even worse now since she's practically immortal. One thing a parent would hate the most is out living their child. I know this too since I'm now a father myself."

"Who's your kid then?" Wyatt asked. "That's easy. It's the red and blue haired girl that Kara made friends with."

"You turned you own daughter into a CyberHuman? How sick are are you?" Carla asked. "She wanted to be one. Even went behind my back and forced the doctor to turn her into one. I didn't want that but the damage is done and there's no reversing it." The King explained.

"Okay, so back to my body." Carla said as she changed the topic. "You sure you can do it?" She asked the masked man.

"Yes, you can trust me. I have no reason to lie to you Carly." "Don't call me that."

"Why shouldn't I?" The King asked. "Because only those who are close to me can call me that."

"So the time we spent together meant nothing to you? I'm hurt."

"What time together?"

"Seven years worth... well, four since I wasn't around for the last three." Eight Thirty Three said.

Those words shocked both Carla and Wyatt. Looks of horror were put on their faces as they stared at him.

"It can't be." Wyatt said before Eight Thirty Three revealed his face.

"Remember me now?" The King asked showing the face of despair to Carla and Wyatt.

Cyber Series: Book 3 《Cyber Blood》Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon