Robbed Grave

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"Okay, how long until we find the grave?" A woman asked as boredom was quickly taking over her. "Hold on Scorpion, we're close..." said a male this time.

"Well hurry up, this place is starting to creep me out." Scorpion told her colleague. "Now where--" he was cut off. "Bingo."

"You found it?" "Yeah, grab your shovel, it's time to dig." The male said. "I hope the body's still good. What do you think Jet?" Scorpion asked.

"It's been two days after the funeral, his body's decomposing but it's still good enough for us." Jet told Scorpion as they were digging.

"I hope he's a cutie... I won't forgive myself if he's hideous." Scorpion spoke as if she were a girl in the middle of high school.

They kept digging until Jet hit something. "We got it, quick... dig around and open up the damn coffin." Jet ordered as he began to dig around the coffin. Scorpion followed after Jet before the coffin wasn't surrounded by dirt anymore. Jet opened it up and Scorpion climbed out of the grave that she and Jet had dug up.

Scorpion got a large body bag and said, "Jet, I got the body bag, hurry before the security guard shows up."

Jet proceeded to take the body out of the coffin before slinging it over his shoulder. He climbed out of the grave before he carefully put it in the body bag. "Our job's done, let's fill this hole and get out of here." Jet said.

He and Scorpion proceeded to take their shovels before the security guard arrived. "Freeze!!"

Scorpion looked at the guard before she said, "Are you gonna take this one or should I?"

Jet who carefully picked up the body bag said, "He's all yours."

Before the guard could equip his tazer, he was cut in the neck with a chained blade that Scorpion had. He watched as she pulled it back before she said, "I didn't hit a vital spot, but the poison should be kicking in now... have fun dying."

She walked away with Jet while the security guard dropped down and took his final breath.

Cyber Series: Book 3 《Cyber Blood》Where stories live. Discover now